bulgariaStowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i organizacja IN THE PALACE ISFF z Bułgarii poszukują wolontariuszy na projekt EVS w Sofii przy realizacji festiwalu filmowego.
Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w j. angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia@bonafides.pl

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 12 kwietnia 2016

Organizacja przyjmująca : IN THE PALACE ISFF
Miejsce: Sofia, Bułgaria
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 12/04/2016
Czas trwania wolontariatu: 1-12 Grudnia 2016 (wolontariat krótkoterminowy)
Ilość wolnych miejsc:3 wolontariuszy z Polski ( w sumie 75 wolontariuszy)

Organizacja bułgarska pragnie zrealizować projekt wolontariatu europejskiego na dużą skalę, angażując 75 młodych osób z 25 krajów w przygotowanie festiwalu filmowego w Sofii. Wolontariusze EVS zostaną wyszkoleni jak komunikować się z odbiorcami kina oraz w podstawowych technikach PR. Ich zdaniem będzie zorganizowanie całego festiwalu filmowego, jego oprawa i wszystkie sprawy techniczne.

On behalf of IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival (Sofia, Bulgaria) we would like hereby to present you an outline of a new Large Scale EVS project in the field of audiovisual arts and new media.

We are aiming to organize all project activities in the frame of the 14th IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival, held from the 01st to 12th of December 2016 in the National palace of culture in Sofia – the capital city of Bulgaria.

The volunteer programme of IN THE PALACE ISFF will offer 75 young people from 25 Programme and/or Partner countries (3 young people from each country). the opportunity to get an inside touch of the organization and working process of three established short film events – International Short Film Festival IN THE PALACE, Sofia, Bulgaria (ISFF IN THE PALACE) and its parallel programmes in film training (Filmer Forge) and industry meetings (Industry Market).

The specific objectives of the VIP project would be:
* To train 75 young people on how to communicate a film festival and send the right massages to the audience;
* To enhance critical thinking, cyber and media literacy among 75 young professionals in the field of audio-visual arts;
* To implement the 14th edition of the IN THE PALACE Short Film Festival;
* To disseminate project activities and results across young professionals in the field of audio-visual arts trough social media and PR campaign.

The target group of the project will be young professionals between 19-30 years old who have recently graduated or are in their last year of studies in journalism, PR and graphic design and public speaking. The project will allow them to express their personal commitment through unpaid and full-time voluntary service for 42 days in Sofia, Bulgaria and to gain real practical experience in working in the field of audio-visual arts.

In the Palace Festival
IN THE PALACE is an international festival dedicated to short films, new media and digital arts less than 27 minutes in length. The main purpose of the Festival is to present contemporary film art from Bulgaria, Europe and the whole world. IN THE PALACE ISFF provides an exceptionally favourable environment and platform for expression for both young film artists and established professionals in this artistic field. Established in 2003, the festival had grown from a competitive forum for student films into the largest and most prestigious short film festival in Bulgaria and the region.

The festival is implemented within a week and consists of several main components: Competitive programme in 4 genres : fiction, documentary, animation, experimental; ON FOCUS programme; Q & A sessions; Filmer Forge educational programme; Pitching session; Film industry market; Videolibrary; Side musical programme

IN THE PALACE is organized by Format SFF Foundation and Cultural Centre Veshtina in partnership and with support of Sofia Municipality, Bulgarian Ministry of Culture, Bulgarian National Film Centre, National Palace of Culture and Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”.

The Festival attracts more than 500 people from EU and non-EU countries and involves around 50 experts in the field of audio-visual arts as lecturers and moderators in the competitive and educational programmes of the Festival.

The festival is implemented within a week and consists of several main components:
– Competitive programme in 4 genres : fiction, documentary, animation, experimental
– ON FOCUS programme
– Q & A sessions
– Filmer Forge educational programme
– Pitching session
– Film industry market
– Videolibrary
– Side musical programme