flaga_niemiecStowarzyszenie BONA FIDES oraz niemiecka organizacji The Cologne Volunteer Center poszukują osób chętnych na wyjazd na 4 różne projekty EVS do Koloni. Zgłoszenia  (CV list motywacyjny w j. angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adresy mailowe natalia@bonafides.pl oraz ulla.eberhard@koeln-freiwillig.de (Wiadomość z aplikacją należy wysłać na oba adresy mailowe jednocześnie!)

W tytule należy wpisać nazwę organizacji i tytuł projektu na jaki się aplikuje np: “Öffentlichkeit und Besuchsdienste für NS-Verfolgte. PR and caring for elderly people (IFD)” lub “Wohnheim für obdachlose Frauen, Shelter for battered women (IFD)”

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 12 kwietnia 2017r.

Do zgłoszeń prosimy koniecznie dodawać poniższą informację:
Sending association:
Bona Fides Association (Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides)
Acronym: SAO Bona Fides
ul. Warszawska 19
40-009 Katowice
PIC: 947802812
EI referance number: 2013-PL-100
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska
My sending organization may be also coordinating organization and apply with project to Polish National Agency for the nearest deadline.

Receiving organisation:
– Bundesverband Information & Beratung für NS-Verfolgte
– Don-Bosco-Club Köln
– Elisabeth-Fry-Haus
– Kinder- und Jugendpädagogische Einrichtung der Stadt Köln
Location: Koln, Germany
Start/End: From: 01/09/2017 – 31/08/2018

Dla wszystkich osób zainteresowanych wyjazdem do Niemiec mamy kilka propozycji projektowych. Będziecie mogli współpracować z osobami starszymi i prowadzić działania PR, w innej organizacji będziecie mogli pracować z dziećmi i młodzieżą w centrum młodzieży oraz prowadzić projekty multimedialne. Kolejną propozycją są działania z dzieciakami w domu dziecka(sierocińcu). Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertą poniżej.

1. Öffentlichkeit und Besuchsdienste für NS-Verfolgte. PR and caring for elderly people (IFD)
The Federal Association Information and Advice for Those Persecuted in the Nazi Time was founded in Cologne in 1992. The main objective is to render support for the legal acceptance and just compensation for all individuals who suffered from persecution in the Nazi time. Above this, the Federal Association is taking care of elderly and often traumatized people persecuted in the Nazi time. Together with social isolation, which of course is also happening in other groups of elderly people, it is the trauma they suffer, which often keeps them from contacting other people. The persecuted people address our Association for help. This help is offered in the form of visiting services. The Association is forming a voluntary service group for 10 people persecuted. Jewish immigrants, Sinti, Roma, former forced labourers from Eastern Europe and survivors of the Concentration camps are forming this group. The intention is to bring support, stimulus and relaxation into the life of old and often isolated, even traumatized survivors and so increase the sense of meaning and joy in life.

Proposed tasks
The volunteers take part in the following four projects. The focus can be chosen individually, according to the interests and abilities of the volunteers.
1. Caring for elderly people:
The volunteers visit survivors of the Nazi period regularly once or twice a week. The volunteers take on smaller tasks like:
– regular visits in the homes of Nazi victims of persecution.
– accompany those, who can no longer participate in public activities without support (including residents in homes for elderly and hospitalized elderlies).
– go with the person being taken care of to public offices, to provide help with difficult phone calls to public offices.
– take walks with the person.
-render support with solving problems at home.
-write letters with/for the person.
– listen to the person.
Beside these tasks the volunteer work in the office. Amongst the tasks are:
– to answer the telephone and mail.
– to help with public relation.
– to prepare and help with public meetings.
2. story-telling:
Survivors of the holocaust come to regular meetings, where they tell their stories that are still very moving. The volunteers
– help to prepare the meetings.
– organize the local travel for the very old people, that cannot use public transport any more
– welcome the guests at the meetings.
3. warm homes:
This is a project from migrants for migrants. Private hosts invite their neighbours so that everybody feels more at home in the new environment. The volunteers help to organise the meetings.
4. public relations:
– to make interviews with the survivors of the holocaust und to publizise them in the newsletter of the oganisation.
– to answer the telephone and the mail.
– to prepare and organize meetings.

Food: Money will be given to volunteer.
Accommodation: Furnished room with access to bathroom and cooking facilities

Volunteer’s profile
– The volunteers should be able to empathize with the themes and issues of Nazi survivors. – The volunteers should have good communication skills and take in constructive criticism. – A positive attitude and the ability of reflect would help with the service. Language skills: very good German. Russian language skills would be helpful. The Federal Association is offering education and support, as well as supervision to the volunteers. The communication style is intended to create transparency in all matters.

2. Freizeitaktivitäten im Kinder- und Jugendzentrum, Leisure time activities in a children- and youth center (IFD)
The Don Bosco Club is an institution for children and young people run by the Catholic church. It includes a variety of programs for leisure time, social work in combination with socially oriented, mobile youth counsel and support. The objective of the Don Bosco Club is to provide space and options for children and young people to get together, play, experiment with new things in their free time in order to prevent social isolation and criminal activities. Young people are supported in their transition from school to the world of working. Social workers give special attention to the social and jobwise integration of underpriviledged young people.

Proposed tasks
– Leisure time activities with children and youngsters in the Club.
– Organization of sportive events and projects.
– Duty in the open pedagogical offerings.
– Planing of work camps in the holidays.
– Leading of independent projects in the field of multimedia (photo, filmmaking, computer, etc.).

Food: some meals will be provided; the rest will be handed out in cash.
Accomodation: Furnished room with access to bathroom and cooking facilities.

Volunteer’s profile
– Flexibility for spontaneous reaction towards the needs of the young people.
– Joy and interest in the work with children and young people-
– Interested in sports and media (foto, film, internet, computer, etc.).
– Language skills: very good German. Or good English and good German

3. Wohnheim für obdachlose Frauen, Shelter for battered women (IFD)
The Elisabeth-Fry House is a house of shelter for 65 women with or without children. We admit women from the age of 18 onwards, who find themselves in a social, psychological or economic crisis (i.e. homeless women, abused women, women with psychiatric problems, women released from prison, etc.). When women arrive here, social workers find out, which kind of longterm help would serve them best. Then women are sent on to adequate living quarters. This can be a longterm support in one of the three intern groups or one of three extern living groups of this organisation. In any case women find longterm support by our social workers, educators and therapists, who offer programs to learn to cope with personal and social problems.

Proposed tasks
Volunteers work together with fulltime personell in shifts. (Early shift beginning at 7:00 a.m., late shift beginning at 1:00 p.m. or day shift beginning either at 8:00, 9:00 or 10:00 a.m.) Weekly working hours are 30-35, including the time for language courses.
– 30 % of the time, volunteers will spend in direct personal contact with residents, offer support in the preparation of meals, of cleaning up and of washing clothes.
– 50% of the time volunteers will offer their own leisure time programs following their own ideas and concepts, this can include visits to the cinema or theater, creative arts and crafts groups, groups in literature or discussion.
– 20% is spent in supporting residents in buying food, clothes and going to administrative offices.

Food: some meals will be provided; the rest will be handed out in cash.
Accommodation: Furnished room with access to bathroom and cooking facilities.

Volunteer’s profile
– Female.
– Volunteers should be emotionally very stabil and stress resistant.
– Volunteers should own a high level of social competence.
– Language skills: very good German.

4. Betreuung von Kindern mit familiären Schwierigkeiten. Support for children with difficulties (IFD)
Ki d S is a home for children and young people, who temporarily or permanently cannot live with their families. The orphanages of the city of Cologne are institutions of the Youth Council with various care and living options for children and young people, for handicapped children, and young grown-ups.

Proposed tasks
The work is planned either in a residential group of mixed age or in a reception and diagnostic group for children aged 1-13. An average of 8 children live in the group who largely come from crisis situations and stay in the group until further perspectives can be sorted out. This group consists of about 8 children, who have recently arrived from critical living conditions. The task will be to take care and accompany these children in addition to the fulltime work of the social workers. This can include:
– Taking children to the doctors, to therapists, prepare the children for the visit, helping them to cope with fear and giving them detailed information on what to expect.
– Prepare and carry out outdoor group activities, like i.e. going swimming, hiking etc.
– Offering games adapted to the children’s necessities and moods.
– Helping with homework, including control and explanation of tasks, giving the children a sense of joyful learning.
– Shopping and preparation of meals, planing meals, find out cheap shopping possibilities, train them in eating habbits, healthy foods.
– Taking kids to school, to therapists and other activities.
Volunteers will work in early or late shifts.

Food: Meals will partly be provided; the rest will be handed out in cash.
Accomodation: Furnished room with access to bathroom and small kitchen in one of the buildings of the orphanage.

Volunteer’s profile
– Language skills: very good German.
– Abilities to care for difficult kids over a longer period of time.
– Drivers license would be helpful (but is not necessary).