Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i organizacja Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation z Grecji poszukują wolontariuszy na zaakceptowany projekt EVS na greckich wyspach. Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w j. angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 17.05.2015

The „Action for the Conservation of the Greek Seas” EVS project is based in Greece Islands(Samos,Fourni,Ikaria,Patmos,Arki and Marathi) and involves 2 EVS volunteers form Poland,
Receiving organization: Archipelagos
Location: Samos Island, Greece
Deadline: 17/05/2015
Duration: 12 months
Start: 07/06/2015
End: 06/06/2016
Placements: 1 (the second volunteer has already been chosen)

Archipelagos, Institute of Marine Conservation is a Greek non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 1998. Archipelagos is committed to researching and defending the biodiversity of the Greek seas and islands, as well as of the NE Mediterranean region overall.
Archipelago’s main areas of focus are
1. Marine wildlife conservation: Marine mammals, fisheries, coastal ecosystems (focusing on endangered habitats and species), oceanographic research, as well as water quality, pollution assessment, and shipping disaster prevention.
2. Terrestrial wildlife conservation: Island fauna, with a particular focus on endangered species such as chameleons, jackals, bats and birds. Island flora, focusing on the rare island forests and freshwater habitats. The continued development of the Aegean Seed Safe (preservation of rapidly disappearing local varieties of agricultural plants), pollution and human impact assessments, and the management of priority habitats.

Proposed activities for volunteer:
1)Forest & Freshwater Ecosystem Management
-Field surveys assessing the biodiversity of forest, freshwater and small islet ecosystems, as well as the factors impacting them.
-Projects assessing the desertification and erosion of small islets, as well as experimental reforestation.
2)Research & Conservation of Island Flora & Fauna
-Field surveys assessing island flora biodiversity and herbarium work.
-Experimental replantation of islets degraded by erosion.
-Field surveys assessing the biodiversity of bird, reptile and small mammal populations and the factors impacting them.
-Surveys assessing the populations of chameleons on the island of Samos include night-time surveys conducted several times a week, capturing, measuring, recording and marking chameleons for future identification.
-Surveys assessing the population of the Golden jackal include night-time surveys monitoring territorial groups using an acoustic vocalization technique to estimate number of groups on the Island.
-Early morning and night time surveys assessing the populations of bats and species found on the islands.
-Bird surveys including point surveys at known resting sites, transects through a variety of habitats and photographing birds at nesting sites, using time lapse cameras.
3)Applications of Renewable Energy Sources
-Carrying out general research on applications of renewable energy sources for the island communities, using solar, wind, river water and biomass energy.
-Launching a campaign promoting the re-use of waste cooking oil for producing biodiesel
-Creating informational material and participation in related conservation activities with the aim of raising public awareness in the island communities and the wider public for the use of small scale renewable energy sources.
4)Marine Research&Conservation
-Monitoring and assessing presence of invasive species in Aegean Sea
-Mapping and assessing Posidonia oceanica meadows and coralligene reefs
-Studying marine mammal populations (migration,ecology,threats) through visual-census and acoustic observation
-Collecting conservation-related information to promote environmental awareness campaigns within the local communities and the wider public
5)Marine Mammal Research
-Mapping marine mammal populations (with ArcGIS) using data collected on weekly boat and land-based survey
-Performing photo-identification and matching techniques
-Collecting environmental, anthropogenic, and acoustic data
6)Fisheries Research&Management
-Collecting information about fisheries in the area like gear used, effort per catch and differences in catches over time
-Researching and recording Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported fishing activities
-Working on establishing first fishery co-managed area in Greece

Other activitis in which volunteers are able to take part you can find here:

Beside of those activities volunteers will also,in order to promote Archipelagos’ research and conservation work and launch awareness campaigns, produce innovative environmental awareness material.The Volunteerswill be expected to use their graphic design skills in environmental awareness campaigns,educational material and promotion of environmental conservation through a variety of media.The volunteers will design posters,leaflets and booklets,materials for lectures and presentations,taking wildlife and nature,landscapes photos,filming of research activities and wildlife, nature and landscapes,editing underwater videos to present the natural environments of the Aegean, to build awareness of local biodiversity and threats and to educate people.

We are looking for someone who is motivated and hard workng, love nature, and who can commit that he/she will be happy to stay for 12 months in the Aegean Sea Islands. They need to be interested in protection of the environment; enthusiasm, motivation to participate in our specific project, appreciation in being useful; enjoy communicating and learning new skills and competences, interest to work in a team, tolerance towards difference. Volunteers coming to Archipelagos need to be open for a learning-by-doing experience.