Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i niemiecka organizacja Masorti e.V. poszukują wolontariuszy na projekt EVS w Niemczech, w Berlinie. Aby wyrazić chęć uczestnictwa prosimy przesłać CV (akceptowane tylko w formacie Europass) i list motywacyjny w j. angielskim. Zgłoszenia prosimy przesyłać na adres oraz (Zgłoszenie należy przesłać na oba adresy mailowe)
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 31 grudnia 2016
Do wiadomości w treści maila prosimy dodawać poniższą informację:
Sending association:
Bona Fides Association (Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides)
Acronym: SAO Bona Fides
ul. Warszawska 19
40-009 Katowice
PIC: 947802812
EI referance number: 2013-PL-100
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska
Coordinating organisation: Masorti e.V.
Receiving Organization: Masorti e.V.
Location: Berlin, Germany
Deadline: 31/12/2016
Start: 01/09/2017
End: 31/08/2018
Receiving Organization description
Masorti e.V. – Verein zur Förderung der jüdischen Bildung und des jüdischen Lebens was founded by Rabbi Ederberg and others in August 2002 in Berlin. Masorti means “traditional” in Hebrew and is the Israeli and European name for the Conservative Movement within Judaism. Masorti e.V. aims at contributing to the diversity of Jewish life in Germany through various educational programmes (seminars, conferences, projects with young people, publications) in cooperation with German Jewish communities and the Central Council of Jews in Germany. The target group of Masorti e.V. are first and foremost Jewish people of all ages in Germany and Europe, but Masorti e.V. is also active in the field of inter-religious education.
Within the scope of our work, we opened our first Jewish Kindergarten in September 2004 and our second Kindergarten in 2010 in Berlin with a concept mainly based on bilingual education (Hebrew-German and English-German) and evolving around the Jewish year with its festivals and traditions. 75 jewish children between one and six years from over 10 countries attend the Masorti Kindergartens.
The Masorti team consists of Cornelia Rieger, managing director of Masorti e.V., Dr. Rachel Herweg, director of the Masorti Kindergartens, former volunteers, as well as an international team of educators of the Masorti Kindergartens (12 teachers from Israel, Brazil, England, Greece, South Africa and Germany), volunteers in the EVS and other voluntary programmes, external experts for musical education, trainees and kitchen staff.
project description
Our Jewish Masorti Kindergarten in Berlin runs 5 mixed-age bilingual groups (german-english and german-hebrew), with altogether 75 children coming from families with diverse cultural backgrounds.
The volunteer will be integrated in one of the groups and will assist the teachers on a daily basis.
Spending a year in our kindergartens is a unique opportunity to get in touch with early childhood pedagogy, to become part of a multicultural team and to discover and experience Jewish life in Berlin!
accommodation, food and transport arrangements
Our volunteer will have a separate room in a centrally located fully equiped flat. The volunteer shares the flat with max. three other young persons. During the week she/he will have breakfast, lunch & the afternoon snack in the kindergarten. For dinner and weekend meals she/he will receive a monthly allowance. A monthly ticket for public transportation will be provided as well.
training during the project
The volunteer will receive a pre-daprture training by her/his sending organization before the start of the activity. The volunteer will participate in two EVS seminars while in Germany (on-arrival and mid-term-meeting). Additionally, Masorti e.V. has developed a special program in order to monitor and guide the individual learning process of the volunteer. This program consists of regular meetings with the coordinator/ mentor on different topics (every 2-3 months). The volunteer will also have the possibility to do a language course.
volunteer profile
We are looking for a volunteer who is happy to be surrounded by children, is creative and shows initiative. Flexibility, responsibility and reliability are equally crucial characteristics necessary in this kind of activity. As for language skills, English is of importance for the everyday use; German would be a big advantage.
how to apply
Please send us your CV (we only accept the Europass-CV; you can create it here: and a motivation letter with a clear explanation why you would like to do an EVS in our kindergartens. We will get back to you!