Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i portugalska organizacja Casa da Horta – Assocaiçao Cultural z Portugalii poszukują wolontariuszy na projekt EVS w Porto.
Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w j. angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres oraz (Zgłoszenia należy jednocześnie przesłać do obu odbiorców)
W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisać: SPEAK UP: LANGUAGE EXCHANGE FOR A CHANGE – Polish candidate
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 22 stycznia 2017
Do zgłoszeń prosimy dodawać poniższą informację:
Sending association:
Bona Fides Association (Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides)
Acronym: SAO Bona Fides
ul. Warszawska 19
40-009 Katowice
PIC: 947802812
EI referance number: 2013-PL-100
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska
My sending organization may be also coordinating organization and apply with project to Polish National Agency for the nearest deadline.
Receiving organisation: Casa da Horta – Assocaiçao Cultural
Location: Porto, Portugal
Start: 07/06/2017
End: to negotiate (not shorter than 3 months)
Casa da Horta, Associação Cultural (House of the vegetable Garden, Cultural Association) is a cultural, ecological, vegetarian, innovative, non-partitical and non-hierarchical association. It was funded in Porto, in April 2008.
The aims of Casa da Horta are:
- Promotion of a culture based on values such as tolerance, cooperation, intercultural communication, anti-discrimination (of any kind), respect for the differences, acceptance of the other, mutual exchange
- Promotion of a more sustainable lifestyle, based on low food waste, local consumption, short value chain, sustainable transportation and mobility, recycle and reuse
- Awareness-raising about issues related to social injustice, environmental issues, economic disparity, etc
- Promotion of national and international cooperation with other non profit entities, through mobility projects and participation in trainings and international conferences.
Casa da Horta’s main activities include:
- Cultural activities such as movie nights, language exchanges, workshops, theatre, exhibitions, library, concerts, thematic dinners, lectures and conferences
- Awareness raising activities about social, economical, political and environmental issues, such as direct action on the street, projection of documentaries, one table dinners, production and distribution of informative material about specific issues (flyers, T-shirts, pamphlets, etc), production of a fanzine available to the members, information stands, etc
- Awareness raising activities about alternative and healthier lifestyle: we daily serve vegetarian food prepared with local, biological products, we have discounts for those members who reach Casa da Horta by bike, we sell local handicrafts and biological products to our members
- Promotion of alternative tourism through the Slow Motion Tours, a way for tourists and others to get to know the history of Porto through unconventional tours which highlight the social and cultural factors hidden behind specific phenomena
- Environmental activities, such as environmental education sessions with children, rehabilitation of abandoned public spaces, participation in a community garden project
- Networking activities, such as participation in festivals, international exchanges, training courses and conferences, organization of common activities with other similar entities in and outside Porto, etc
Our target group is the community of Porto, including Erasmus students and international volunteers. Our activities are aimed at the integration and inclusion of all, with special attention to the marginalized groups (migrants, people with lower educational level, discriminated groups, people facing social and economic exclusion), which we try to involve as much as possible in all the activities we develop.
Our staff is mostly based on volunteer work. We are a non-profit organisation and we try to involve as much as possible young and local population in the activities and daily functioning of Casa da Horta. In the organisation there is a more active group of volunteers, who takes most part of the responsibility to deal with current issues and projects. This group is formed by, more or less, 10 people. Additionally, there is a wider group of volunteers who collaborate on a not so regular base but still are very important to help with the organisation of activities and daily organisation. Casa da Horta itself has, at the moment, around 1000 members.
The volunteer will be asked to be involved in all aspects of Casa da Horta’s daily routine and activities. These are:
- Helping our in the small vegetarian café we run (cooking, maintaining the space clean, dealing with visitors, ecc)
- Organizing cultural activities such as debates, movie nights, language exchanges, international dinners, concerts, exhibitions, game nights, ecc
- Helping out in the communitarian garden we have (gardening, cleaning out the space, organization of events in the garden, ecc)
- Logistic support to the Slow Motiong Tours, eco-social tours around the city organized by Casa da Horta
- Actively participating in the meetings, providing inputs and new ideas
- Documenting all the activities through pictures, movies, articles, ecc
- Participating in our self-published fanzine, through articles, distribution, presentation in other cultural spaces, ecc.
The most important factor in selecting the volunteer has to do with his/ her motivation to work in an environment like Casa da Horta, meaning a very informal environment where decisions are made together with the whole group. We are looking for active, dynamic, open-minded people with an interest in multi-culturalism, environment and social justice.
Additional desired – but not required – skills, are interest in photography or film making, to help us promoting the events and to have a more visual impact of the activities. This will help reaching “different publics” more easily, specially younger generations, which tend not to get very involved in the activities of non-governmental organisations. Multimedia communication might be a mean through which we can contribute to change this reality.
We also appreciate volunteers who show self-initiative. We try to create the best conditions for the volunteers to develop a project in a significantly independent way. Flexibility i salso appreciated, as the volunteer might be required to help out in several aspects of Casa da Horta’s daily funcioning (which might include cooking, cleaning, organizing events, ecc).
We try to give priority to volunteers facing economic/geographical/obstacles, since economic justice and social solidarity are two of the values Casa da Horta was built on.