ukrainaStowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i ukraińska organizacja Center for European Initiatives (CEI) poszukują wolontariuszy  projekt EVS w Sumy. Projekt został już zaakceptowany do dofinansowania przez Polską Narodową Agencję. Zgłoszenia (CV oraz list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres

W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisać: EVS in CEI. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 8 sierpnia 2017

Organizacja koordynująca: SAO Bona Fides
Organizacja przyjmująca: Center for European Initiatives (CEI)
Miejsce: Sumy, Ukraina
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 08.08.2017
Rozpoczęcie wolontariatu: 16/08/2017
Zakończenie wolontariatu: 30/09/2017
Dostępne wolne miejsca: 2 wolontariuszy z Polski, 2 wolontariuszy z Litwy i 2 wolontariuszy z Rumunii
Oprócz tego w projekt zaangażowani będą również wolontariusze z takich krajów jak Litwa i Rumunia. W sumie 6 osób.

Projekt jest rezultatem współpracy 4 organizacji: koordynującej – SAO Bona Fides z Katowic oraz wysyłających:AT3D z Rumunii, SDG from Litwy oraz CEI z Ukrainy.

Projekt ten przewiduje uczestnictwo 12 wolontariuszy (po 3 osoby z każdego kraju), a wśród nich 4 osoby z mniejszymi szansami. „Zoom your summer” będzie miało miejsce w Sumy na Ukrainie. Jest to krótkoterminowy projekt EVS, którego aktywności będą trwały 59 dni

Główne metody używane podczas projektu: praca indywidualna oraz w zespole, nauka pozaformalna, refleksje. Wolontariusze będą mieli możliwość współpracy z miejscowymi wolontariuszami oraz poszerzenia oraz rozwoju ich zrozumienia na temat współczesnej Ukrainy. Aktywności będą miały miejsce nie tylko w siedzibie organizacji w Sumy, ale także w innych miejscach w tym mieście: szkołach, pobliskich wsiach, organizacjach partnerskich oraz centrach młodzieżowych. Wolontariusze zajmą się również promocją działać przez Internet.

Główne zadanie wolontariuszy to:

– wsparcie w administracji oraz organizacji obozów językowych w Sumy
– asystowanie przy organizowaniu oraz koordynowaniu corocznego festiwalu o oszczędzaniu energii – „Energyfest”
– promocja organizacji w Internecie, organizowanie wydarzeń związanych z PRem
– organizowanie lokalnego projektu „Humans of Sumy” oraz sub-projektu „Kids of Sumy”
– przeprowadzenie różnych aktywności takich jak: warsztaty, konsultacje, nauka języków dla społeczności lokalnej, głównie młodzieży
– organizowanie czasu wolnego młodzieży np. zajęcia sportowe
– zaangażowanie w rozwój obozów językowych organizowanych w Sumy.

Co ważne wyjeżdżając na wolontariat krótkoterminowy (59 dniowy) nadal możecie później wyjechać na EVS ponownie, na okres maksymalnie do 10 miesięcy.

Project Description:
The project is the result of cooperation of 5 organizations-Sending/Coordinating organization:SAO Bona Fides from Poland, Sending Organizations: AAUMa from Portugal,AT3D from Romania,SDG from Lithuania and Receiving Organization from Ukraine-CEI.
The project predict participation of 6 EVS volunteers (3 from each partner country),among them 4 with fewer opportunities.”Zoom Your Summer”will take place in Sumy in Ukraine and it is planned as short -term EVS(59 days), preferable mobility period since 16th of August till 30th of September 2017.
Main methods during service are: individual and teamwork, non-formal learning from locals,reflections.Volunteers will have chance to work in cooperation with local volunteers and develop own understanding of Ukraine.Activities will take place both at the NGO’s office and at different venues in Sumy:schools,nearest villages,partner organizations,youth centers. Volunteer work also will contain some part of digital work with Internet (activities connected with developing and promotion of web-pages).
These activities comprise:
-support and administration of school language camps,tent and stationary camps of Sumy
-assistance in organizing and conducting annual energy saving festival “Energyfest”
-PR-events ,support of the organization’s webpages and visibility in social networks
-orgnizing the local project “Humans of Sumy”, initiate sub-project “Kids of Sumy”
-conduct different activities with youth together with consulars such workshops,trainings,energizers,ice-breakers
-organize and conduct workshops in leadership,active citizenship,hand-crafts,European values, etc
-organize sport activities and free time for youth
-help maintain the tent camp(set tents,support on the kitchen,help with setting fire, etc.)
-involvement to development of the camps program

More concretely the activities will be:
1st week:
-Adaptation,introduction of work place,brainstorming of volunteers’ own ideas.Volunteers will get to know each other,HO,staff,mentors through a series of non-formal and formal events and meetings which will consist of acquaintance,team-building,cultural evening “From East to West” to understand better Ukrainian and European culture,traditions,national peculiarities,living and working conditions. Volunteers are welcomed to promote their culture through intercultural activities during their EVS.
-Preparation for schoolyard camps.Task is to find and conduct name games,ice-breakers,team building activities,prepare the possible tasks and quizes about EU countries,sport competitions,intellectual and entertainment activities for 21 schoolyard camps.
-creating the Google drive/Dropbox repository of the best materials/activities/games/quizzes available to 32 schools and gymnasia of Sumy and all their teachers and educators;
2nd week:
-creation,design,conduct of intellectual and sport city quest game:“Around the World in 80 Minutes” for 10 teams of rural kids 80 kids in total per day during 3 days;
-leading Language Schoolyard Summer Camps.Task is to prepare,conduct a course of 4 mixed language lessons English+ Polish/Romanian/Lithuanian/Portuguese 45-min. classes for 3 age groups:primary (9-11 y.ol.),secondary (12-13 y. o.),high (15-16 y. o.). The result will be a 6 language picture dictionary/calendar for 15 most active schools of Sumy, made till the 7th week;
-support and assist long-term EVS volunteers in organizing and conducting annual energy saving festival “Energyfest” made for citizens and guests of Sumy.
3rd week:
-creation, design of 1 training day(TD)“Being European”for 50 camp mixed-age participants aiming to promote European citizenship values,breaking stereotypes,develop capacity to defend personal point of view,enlarge knowledge about youth work,active citizenship,participation;raise awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries.TD is conducted 3 times for 150 youngsters in total;
-participation in City Game “Exploring Sumy” conducted by mentors,aiming to get better understanding of Ukrainian culture,breaking stereotypes;
-designing sport event“Health Suits you Best” in order to promote the healthy way of life,reducing generation gap for 30 kids and their 30 parents.
4-6th week:
-assistance in developing camps programs;
-work in tent or stationary camps: help conduct different activities with youth such sport games, workshops in leadership, active citizenship, handicraft, European values, etc.,energizers,ice-breakers, help in maintaining the camp;
-conduct language express courses;
-organize Kids Human Library “High Kids Altitudes” for 70 visitors.
7th week:
-organization, presentation of 3 days exhibition of sub-project “Little Humans of Sumy” for visitors of Sumy Regional Scientific Library.
8th week:
-Evaluation, working with Youthpass

More information in InfoPack: Infopack-Camps and Clubs

Participants profile:
The CEI is looking for 6 enthusiastic, energetic volunteers from each of 3 countries (Poland,Romania,Lithuania) 6 in total,who are eager to learn, enjoy working with youth,full of creative ideas which can be realized through personal initiatives. Strong organizational skills are considered very useful as the ability to communicate in English, and be willing to get new skills. Moreover, the volunteers should feel comfortable living on their own, be able to show their ability to adapt to new situations, and have good problem solving skills.

We mainly look for volunteers interested in the issues of democracy, equality, diversity,  with creative experiences, experience interested in health lifestyle and sport. They should show an appreciation of the European dimension, and show interest in sharing their values with the youth of Ukraine and other participating countries. Teaching language skills are welcomed. Preferably the applicants should be ready to share their culture and language and be interested in developing Ukrainian culture as well. In case if volunteers don’t have some needed skills they must be ready to get them with CEI help.

The participants who are planned to be involved in this project will be selected according to the following qualities and interests:
-in working with youth and is open to different cultures;
-experiance in organizing youth activities or is willing to acquire this skill;
-good oral and written communication skills in English;
-a creative mind and is able to initiate, develop and implement his/her own activity ideas.