Stowarzyszenie Bona Fides and Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa Associazione Culturale are looking for 2 volunteers (citizens or residents of Poland, aged 18-30) to join a long-term ESC project in beautiful Puglia region of Italy working with the local community!

Where: Taurisano, Puglia, Italy
Start: from January/February 2024 to the end of August 2024
Duration: 7-8 months


Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa Associazione Culturale manages 2 public buildings:

  1. EurHope – building located in Taurisano, confiscated from the local mafia and used as a center for legal education for minors and young people at risk of social exclusion,
  2. Casa Turrita – historic residence located in the Presicce used as a social and community space for promoting social inclusion of the vulnerable groups through the creation of social gardens, orchards, biodiversity reserves, recreational, artistic, creative and self-entrepreneurship support activities.

We have activities all the year long:


  • – Kindergarten in the morning and support to students for their homework in the afternoon
  • – Administrative activities (projects management, communication/promotion/dissemination via social networks, webpage, portals, a webradio, etc.)
  • – Eurodesk Office: providing information to young and adults citizens + online promotion of the opportunities;
  • – Job Orientation desk: providing info about job opportunities in the area;
  • – Business start-up desk.


  • – Organization of Festivals/Concerts/Events, such as Carta di Leuca International Youth Festival for Peace (9-14 August in Santa Maria di Leuca); Voci di Stelle Festival (10 August); La Notte dei Bambini (July every year);  Erasmus days (October every year); Christmas workshops and concerts;
  • – Summer Camp, for about 6 weeks between June and July, for about 30-40 children;
  • – Celebration of the European Week of Sport (September every year);
  • – Coding and 3d printers workshops for children/youth;
  • – English classes for adults 
  • – ICT courses for adults/seniors

There are many other activities we organize during the year long, according to the projects approved and granted by different public donors we apply to.


Volunteers stay at a big apartment, centrally located in Taurisano, shared by the ESC volunteers and the Erasmus trainees we host. There are 3 big rooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 laundry, a big kitchen. We can provide bikes to our volunteers. Taurisano is in the south of Puglia region in Italy, in the so-called SALENTO area, surrounded by the sea, very close to beautiful beaches.

Download The INFOPACK here:

If you are interested in this project, would like to apply or receive more information please contact us at and

The costs are covered within the European Solidarity Corps program 🇪🇺

Italian host website: