We are looking for 2 Polish participants for a 1 week Training course in Sicily: “TEMPUS: Tools, Exercises and Measures to Power Up Self-Management” with following profile:
– youth workers, group leaders and educators who are actively working with young people on professional or voluntary basis
– aged 18+
When: 21st – 28th November 2023 (including arrival and departure day)
Where: Sicily, Italy (venue to be confirmed)
Travel, food and accommodation
The travel costs (airplane and public means of transport) will be refunded according to the Erasmus+ scheme based on the Erasmus+ distance calculator. Food and accommodation will be 100% covered.
A short summary of the project:
“TEMPUS: Tools, Exercises and Measures to Power Up Self-Management” is a training course for youth workers who are willing to learn and develop new methodologies and tools in order to support ESC Volunteers and youngsters in understanding the notion of time to develop awareness of how to manage it.
The training course aims are deeply connected with the Youthpass Competences, “Personal, social and learning to learn competence” and “Mathematical competence, and competence in science, technology, engineering (STEM)”.
These two competences and the TC topic are getting a continuous importance in the frame of ESC volunteers/youngsters self-assessment because the notion of time and the awareness on how to manage it represent an essential pillar for the success of all those actions that regards ESC volunteers service, youngsters and their development as human beings.
The project will be held in Sicily and will bring together Youth Workers from different European organisations from the Programme Countries (2 youth workers per each NGO) who work in the youth field. General aim of the project is to acquire new tools, exchange experiences, the main topic of the TC.
Training course objectives:
● To train youth workers, leaders, educators in acquiring or reinforcing skills about successful communication to be applied in different layers and situations.
● To train youth workers, leaders, educators involved in European Solidarity Corps activities and/or Youth Work in implementing a more effective teamwork in order to better foster social development and personal growth.
● To train youth workers, leaders, educators in rebuilding the concept of time in order to maximize the results of their work, in European Solidarity Corps activities and among youngsters, allowing youth people to better reach new ways and opportunities for growing up.
● To bring together people from Europe to share and exchange experiences, opinions and values, to learn from each other and build new initiatives for the future.
● To increase the visibility of the Erasmus+ programme.
The infopack is coming soon!
If you need more information please don’ hesitate to contact us! To apply for the training course please send your CV and a motivation letter to: mariachiara@bonafides.pl and anna@bonafides.pl