Bona Fides and PECO – Progetti Europei di Cooperazione Genova are looking for volunteers from Poland for a long-term ESC project in Buon Pastore Residential Community for Young Women and Girls in Genova, Italy!

Start: Mid-November 2023
Duration: 6 – 12 months
Place: Genova, Italy
The Congregation of Buon Pastore has a very long story of commitment in the assistance of young girls and women. Its activity has always addressed the female world through the reception, education and vocational training of the weakest, younger groups. In the ’70s, Buon Pastore started a collaboration with the Territorial Social Services of Genoa and, consistent with the social and political changes of the time, it undertook a significant change in the educational system, becoming more personalized, less restrictive and open to the outside and to voluntary groups.
For some years now, the Congregation has started a process of gradual transition towards secular social-welfare initiatives, promoting the establishment of institutions in charge of educational services. In 2019 the Buon Pastore Cooperativa Sociale – Impresa Sociale was created, and it runs now two residential centers hosting young girls with the aim to take care, promote help the girls towards their independence and self-fulfillment.
The Cooperative operates 2 women’s residential services:
1) The CEAS is a residential community that is home to girls aged 6 to 18. The staff consists of 7 educators including the coordinator. Educational work takes place on a continuous 24-hour shift, 365 days a year. The community offers a path of personal growth that aims to promote the person globally, taking care of every area of the lives of minors: self-care, socialization, respect for others and rules, school/work, leisure management, relationship with reference adults, but also educational and pedagogical strategies to expand these skills and consolidate them.
2) The Youth Accommodation (Alloggio Giovani) houses 6 girls from 18 to 21 years of age in administrative custody to Social Services. The staff of the Accommodation is composed of 2 educators, including the coordinator. Each placement in the accommodation goes through a concerted work between sending service, coordinator, reference educator, the girl herself, and, when possible, with the family. The goal is to support girls in a path of personal, work, and housing autonomy. The active and conscious participation of the girls is essential both in the realization of the project and its outcome.
Genova (Genoa) the most important port of the Mediterranean and one of the most important ports in Europe, it is the sixth most populated city in Italy and is part of the industrial triangle that connects Turin and Milan. Its privileged location, as the “door to the Mediterranean”, has made Genoa one of the most prosperous financial and commercial centers and one of the most influential of the West. The city of Genoa has in recent decades been going through a time of economic and social hardship caused by the de- industrialization and impoverishment of the economy in general. For this reason, the Ligurian capital has undertaken in the last 20 years a significant process of urban renewal. Most of our activities take place inside the institution spaces.
However, the volunteers have the opportunity to get in contact with the context outside the structure thanks to the different activities that the girls host in the community.
The Cooperative is well integrated into a network of associations and bodies working in the social sector and it is also part of the Consulta Diocesana, an association that collects different bodies (cooperatives, associations, organizations, etc.) working to foster the conditions of minors, young adults and families in difficulty. These collaborations guarantee a strong presence and activism in the territory, and it allows a constant upgrade of the quality of our work and services.
Support the staff in the preparation of activities during summer or free time and participate in the outdoor activities and trips. After some times, a relation with the girls hosted will be created. In the residential center the volunteer will be invited to propose some activities with them, as workshops or accompany them to some extra outside activities. It will be only possible after some months that the volunteer will be in the project since the family and personal situation of the girls are complicated and for them is always difficult to create a new relation with the volunteers. We ask to the volunteers to be patient and flexible. Support the association to promote their activities on the web and through the organization of social events for the population.
The ideal volunteer is autonomous, mature and responsible, open to share and meet other people and, above all, motivated to join our activities. The volunteer should be aware of its extremely important role in the centre and available to cooperate to the educative and training process of Buon Pastore. Since this involves a delicate role in contact with young girls that often come from complex family situations, the volunteer must be fitted with qualities such as tolerance, patience, firmness, creativity, and above all excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
The volunteers will live in Genova in a shared apartment with double rooms.
5 euros per day of pocket money and food or a food allowance will be provided.
The travel expenses will be reimbursed on the basis defined by the European Commission.
If you are interested in joining us, please send your CV and a motivation letter (with a title: “ESC in Genova, Italy”) in English to and