Bona Fides Association and Asociación ÁGORA CULTURAL are looking for Polish volunteers to participate in a long-term project with ASOCIACIÓN BONAGENT in Valencia, Spain!

Place: Valencia, Spain
Dates: From 01.06.2024 to 31.01.2025
Duration: 245 days (8 months)


ÁGORA CULTURAL is the Coordinating Organisation taking care of the practical, follow-up, support and training arrangements during your VOLUNTEERING ACTIVITY project. On the other side, you will participate as volunteer within the Host Organisation Asociación BONAGENT ADPI who will be in charge of all the issues referring to your volunteer activities [holidays, tasks, schedule, follow-up, support, etc.]. AGORA CULTURAL has nearly 20 years experience in the field of European Mobility Projects [ERASMUS+, EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY CORPS, NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL TRAININGS, STUDY & WORK INTERNSHIPS, etc.] acting as Coordinating Organisation. Among the different projects run, the VOLUNTEERING ACTIVITIES gets our utmost. We have been coordinating more than 500 host volunteering mobilities so far.

The ASOCIACIÓN BONAGENT, Amigos de las Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual (hereinafter BONAGENT ADPI) is a non-governmental and non-profit Institution, Public Utility declared by the Cabinet of Ministry on September 26, 1980, whose mission is to improve the quality of life of people with Intellectual Disability and their families. BONAGENT ADPI provides services to assist youth and adults with Intellectual Functional Diversity in their free time, social life, continuing education, training and employment, sheltered housing, etc. in order to improve their quality of life, promote personal autonomy and opportunities for socialisation. It serves more than 600 people with intellectual functional diversity over 18 years old and their families through various services and support programs, and its scope Valencia and its metropolitan area. It has a multidisciplinary team of 22 professionals and a team of 122 volunteers who collaborate in solidarity with the mission of the institution.



Ensure that the participants have a daily occupation, are trained in occupational and pre-work skills through the development of products and, in this way, work on individual objectives centered on the person.
Provide measures that place the target group in a position to access the ordinary job market, providing in an integrated, realistic and efficient way resources adapted to their situation.
The main purpose is, through specific actions, the labor insertion of people with functional diversity.
– Art Workshop
– LA ALQUERÍA Agro-Ecological School
– INCORPORA Program Asociación BONAGENT

It is intended that people with intellectual functional diversity have a meeting point for inclusive leisure. It takes place in a standardised environment, on weekends, throughout the year and during holidays.
The objective is that the target group can enjoy inclusive and integrative leisure.
– Holidays schools (Summer, Christmas, Easter, etc.)
– 4 leisure clubs
– Trips and outings
– Celebrations

It is a training service for the promotion of personal autonomy. It includes all the training actions aimed at people with intellectual functional diversity, for social inclusion and independent living, those fundamental competences in the development as people, of great importance for their work preparation and their subsequent integration into the job market, to their participation in society and for the development of an independent life. The main objective is to promote the personal autonomy of people with intellectual functional diversity, through the training actions included in the training service.
– Review classes of school graduate subjects
– Computer workshop
– Autonomy workshop I: reading
– Autonomy workshop II: euro workshop
– Painting workshop
– Body expression workshop
– Social skills workshop
– Speech therapy

Encourage and support the independent life of people with intellectual functional diversity to achieve a life that is as autonomous as possible, either in our sheltered homes, or by supporting those people with disabilities who live alone at home.
Inform and guide families in independent living.
Advise and guide for the training of beneficiaries to draw up their independent living plan.
– Sheltered Homes
– Independent Living Advice

Ensure that people with Intellectual Diversity are not at home without occupation and serve as a respite for families, who need their relatives to be well cared for in order to go to work or continue with your usual life, as far as possible. It consists of a process of socio-educational intervention of a preventive and formative nature aimed at achieving the insertion of the person with intellectual diversity in those resources that help their personal development and ultimately, that improve their quality of life and that of their family, as well as strengthening and developing the capacities of the person with diversity, in their physical, affective, cognitive, communicative and social insertion aspects, promoting the highest possible degree of autonomy and social inclusion. Promote interpersonal relationships avoiding social isolation.

The activities carried out are focused on improving their autonomy and self-determination in activities of daily life.


It is important to reiterate that all activities, in which you will provide your support and effort, will be carried out with the advice and under the supervision of the professional staff of BONAGENT ADPI. Your role as volunteer in the project is to assist the professional staff in the daily routine. This will involve carrying out all the activities that have to be developed during the week’s schedule, in any area within the daily schedule of BONAGENT ADPI.
The volunteer never supersedes any job. The volunteer is a support figure in training, leisure, sports and educational activities developed with groups of People with Functional Diversity, under the supervision of professionals. Also, the volunteer is not directly being responsible for any users without the supervision of a professional.
The activities are divided into 5 sections:

1. Farmhouse (ALQUERÍA) during mornings from Tuesday to Friday
– Theoretical classes on organic farming
– Research and dissemination groups in organic farming
– Creation of documentary and photographic material
– Work in orchards and greenhouses
– Theoretical/practical classes in labour and social skills
– Orders management
– Cleaning of boxes
– Gardening and maintenance work
– Harvesting of vegetables and greens
– Preparation of boxes with orders
– Storage of orders
– Plantations
– Irrigation
– Distribution of orders
– Reception of visits
– Work in the orange grove

2. Arts/Cultural Workshops during mornings from Tuesday to Friday
Ensure that the users have a daily occupation, are trained in occupational and pre-work skills through the development of products and, in this way, work on individual objectives centred on the person.Provide measures that place the target group in a position to access the ordinary job market, providing in an integrated, realistic and efficient way resources adapted to their situation.The main purpose is, through specific actions, the labour insertion of people with Functional Diversity. Cultural outings are also planned.

3. School For Adults (Escuela Para Adultos = EPA) 2 afternoons per weeks Support functions to the professional in the different services provided, depending on the day:
– Review classes of school graduate subjects
– Computer workshop
– Autonomy workshop I: reading
– Autonomy workshop II: euro workshop
– Painting workshop
– Body expression workshop
– Social skills workshop
– Speech therapy

4. Club de Ocio (Leisure Club) on Saturdays
It is intended that people with Intellectual Functional Diversity have a meeting point for inclusive leisure. It takes place in a standardised environment, on Saturdays, throughout the year (From mid-October to June included). The objective is that the target group can enjoy inclusive and integrative leisure (cinema, bowling, theatre, coffee, etc.).

5. Leisure and free time
Participative leisure is a right of people with intellectual functional diversity. LEISURE plays an essential role in people’s lives and it is a fundamental right of which nobody should be deprived for reasons of disability, gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity or any personal or social circumstance. Under these premises, the Leisure Department’s main objective is to offer trips and activities to people with functional diversity that promote citizen and social participation in order to achieve the effective exercise of their rights.
Activities that take place throughout the year:

– SMALL TRIPS (Fallas, Easter, May, July, Halloween, Constitution Day and Christmas)
– LEISURE SCHOOLS (Christmas, Epiphany and Easter)

Activities that are planned throughout the year may be subject to changes in time depending on demand. Therefore, volunteers will receive a monthly planning in order to know in advance the activities in which they will participate.

The activities will be carried out through monthly shifts (FARMHOUSE/BONAGENT), which will be rotating between the two European volunteers carrying out their activities in the Host Entity BONAGENT ADPI. The timetables will depend on the activities scheduled monthly.


The Coordinating Organisation Asociación ÁGORA CULTURAL is in charge of the practical and logistical aspects of hosting European volunteers. It is very important to bear in mind that the following points are the general aspects
that will be defined in more detail later on, depending on the selection process.

ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers live together and share a flat with all the necessary and regulatory comforts.
MAINTENANCE: The volunteers will receive the amount in accordance with the Program rules. The stipulated amount is 140,00 Euros per month.
INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTATION: According to the distance calculator provided by the European Commission, the participants will have an amount of money to travel from the place of origin to the place of implementation of your mobility project.
LOCAL TRANSPORTATION: In this case, volunteers will receive a monthly transport card that will allow the travel in metro and bus.
ALLOWANCE: Each volunteer for their service as a European volunteer will receive 6,00€ per day, doing the proportional calculation of each month according to its duration and will be distributed at the beginning of each month.
DAYS OFF: Volunteers will enjoy two consecutive days off per week.
HOLIDAYS: Volunteers will enjoy of the holidays period in August as well as some days in Christmas period. Moreover, they will have 5 additional days of their own selection.
INSURANCE: As ESC volunteers, a Medical Cover under HENNER is provided. Although it is mandatory to be in possession of the European Health Card (if possible).
SUPPORT AND MENTORING: The support to the volunteers will be continuous. They will hold weekly meetings not only with their supervisor but also with their tutor in order to evaluate the course of their mobility.
LANGUAGE TRAINING: EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY CORPS Program enables each volunteer to learn Spanish through the Online Learning Support Platform. You will have the possibility to attend the online classes by yourself. Besides, ÁGORA CULTURAL will arrange face-to-face classes twice a week. Classes will be according to your level.



Send your CV and motivation letter (in English) to and 
or contact us for any further information!