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ESC projects in Lithuania

ESC projects in Lithuania

Bona Fides Association and VšĮ Socialinis Veiksmas are looking for Polish participants (aged 18-30) for 5 long-term ESC projects in Lithuania. Location: Vilnius, LithuaniaDates: Projects start in November 2024 (can be flexible though) and end in the summer of 2025Duration: 9-10 months ABOUT THE PROJECTS 1. EVENTS AND SOCIAL MEDIA HELP AT ŠATRIJA YOUTH CLUBFrom 04/11/2024 […]

ESC in Sweden

ESC in Sweden

Bona Fides Association in partnership with Kooperativet Fjället have 1 opening for a Polish participant (18-30 yo) for a long-term project in Sweden starting ASAP! Place: Rannebergen, Gothenburg, SwedenDates: ASAP – 31.08.2025Duration: 10 months INTRODUCTION Kooperativet Fjället is a non-profit organisation that runs leisure activities for young people aged 10-20 in Rannebergen, Angered. The organisation was founded in […]

ESC in Torre del Greco, Italy

ESC in Torre del Greco, Italy

Bona Fides Association is looking for volunteers from Poland (18 – 30yo) to join 8-months ESC project with Ianua Australis in Torre del Greco, Italy! Place: Torre del Greco (Metropolitan Area of Naples), ItalyDates: November 2024 – end of July 2025Duration: 8 months ACTIVITY TOPICS ▪ Social challenges▪ Citizenship and democratic participation▪ Education and training  ABOUT THE PROJECT: CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES  […]

ESC in Fundao, Portugal

ESC in Fundao, Portugal

Bona Fides Association and Embaixada da Juventude are looking for Polish participant to join an amazing 12-months ESC project in Portugal! Start: October/November 2024Duration: 12 monthsLocation: Fundao, Portugal 🇵🇹 MISSIONS AS VOLUNTEERS 🟢 COMBAT AND ALLEVIATE THE LONELINESS OF THE ELDERLY IN DAY CENTERS Ser Social – Association for the Development of Cristelo is a […]

S&G ESC in Ankara, Turkey

S&G ESC in Ankara, Turkey

Bona Fides Association is looking for Polish volunteers (aged 18-30) for an ESC project in Ankara, Turkey with System and Generation Association – S&G . The project’s duration can be SHORT-TERM (2 months) or LONG-TERM (9 months)! Place: Ankara, TürkiyeDates: 01.10.2024 to 30.06.2025 (there’s also a chance to apply for a shorter period)Duration: Short Term (2 months) & Long Term (9 months) DESCRIPTION Community […]

ESC in Erzurum, Turkey

ESC in Erzurum, Turkey

Bona Fides Association is looking for Polish volunteers for 2 months ESC individual volunteering project in Turkey with Sitoded – Sivil Toplum Destekleme Derneği!  Place: Erzurum, TurkeyDates: 01.09.2024 – 29.10.2024Duration: 59 days DESCRİPTİON Volunteers will work in different areas. 1. SİTODED Office Works: Volunteers will help our works (preparing new project, finding new partners, translate […]

Training of Trainers in Italy

Training of Trainers in Italy

Bona Fides Association and VICOLOCORTO have an opportunity for Polish volunteers (citizens or residents of Poland, 18+) to join a course TOT-ARE Training of Trainers Against Radicalization and Extremism in a wonderful coastal city of Senigallia in Italy from the 9th to the 17th of July! Place: Senigallia, ItalyDates: 9 – 17 July 2024Duration: 1 weekApplication […]

ESC in Mussomeli, Italy – CLOSED

ESC in Mussomeli, Italy  – CLOSED

Bona Fides Association and ArciStrauss are looking for Polish participants for a short-term project ‘H3 – Health, Hiking, Heritage’ in Mussomeli (Sicily), Italy – Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas! Dates: 19.05.2024 – 18.07.2024Duration: 2 months Place: Mussomeli (Sicily), Italy PROJECT INFORMATION The project involves 45 participants from all over Europe for 59 days. The itinerant action along […]

ESC in France

ESC in France

Bona Fides Association and Solidarités Jeunesses have openings for Polish participants (aged 18-30yo) for short term volunteering this summer, starting from May to October in different locations in France! Dates are flexible and to be determined between the volunteer and the hosting organisation: it can be from 14 days in a specific workcamp, or one or […]

ESC in Sivas, Turkey

ESC in Sivas, Turkey

Location: Sivas, Turkey Duration: 6 months Mobility Period: September 020 – March 2021 Deadline: as soon as possible Bona Fides Association along with Sivas Gelisim Genclik Dernegi are looking for Polish volunteers, or residents in Poland, to join our project in Sivas, Turkey working with young people with fewer opportunities, and organizing social, cultural and sports activities. In order to […]