Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i grecka organizacja K.A.NE. poszukują wolontariuszy na projekty EVS w GRECJI. Zgłoszenia (CV oraz formularz aplikacyjny – do pobrania z załącznika u dołu strony – w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres
Zgłoszenia przyjmujemy do 16 września 2015 roku.
RECEIVING ORGANIZATION: Koinoniki Anaptyksi Neon / Social Youth Development (K.A.NE.)
PLACE: Kalamata, Peloponnisos, Greece
DURATION: 9 months,
SERVICE DATES: from 05th of October 2015 to 04th of July 2016.
PLACEMENTS: 1 volunteer
DEADLINE: 16th of September
Proposed activities for volunteers: EVS E-Structures
Aim: To maintain the web sites, blogs and other means of electronic communication of the organization and its projects in order to support the EVS structures in Greece. The main outcome of the project is to develop the websites (,,, new website of the Youth Centre of Kalamata including internet radio, facebook, forums etc.).
Those websites are the support measures for EVS volunteers in Greece and Kalamata. Also they are the way to promote the Youth in Action programme and volunteer work for the Greek youngsters.
The volunteers’ tasks are:
– Webmastering and updating the website of evsGreece
– the networking website for EVS volunteers in Greece
– Assist with the promotion of the website and other activities of the network
– Coordinate the bimonthly newsletter
– Assist with the development of promotional and visibility tools and strategy
– Search for partners to develop common projects
– Assist with the webmastering of the virtual communities (yahoogroup and facebook group)
– Participate in some of the Youth Centre’s activities.
– Assist the hosting organization with the other e-platforms which uses.
The volunteer’s profile:
– The volunteers in this project will be between 17 and 30 years old
– Knowledge of web development (training will be given on joomla – but should be at least basic user)
– Knowledge of multimedia editing (photo/graphics/video). Experience with montage of films.
– Interest in youth information and youth media
– Motivation to work with deadlines and – Initiative to use space for own projects
– Open to explore the culture of EVS in Greece!
The volunteer (beside the actual work) we expect to be the link between all volunteers in Greece and help to their networking and internal communication and information.
More informations about K.A.N.E organization and Kalamata you are able to find in attachment.