Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i organizacja Office for Initiative Promotion (OIP) z Białorusi prowadzą nabór uzupełniający wolontariuszy na zaakceptowany projekt EVS w Mińsku. Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny) prosimy przesyłać na adres
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 19 czerwca 2016
Długoterminowy projekt wolontariatu europejskiego “Tolerance in Action” powstał z myślą o młodych ludziach, którzy są zainteresowani prowadzeniem i działaniem w organizacji pozarządowej, procesem realizacji projektu artystycznego oraz rozwojem umiejętności przedsiębiorczości społecznej.
Wolontariuszom proponujemy prowadzenie warsztatów, szkoleń, seminariów i festiwali w oparciu o tematykę związaną z młodzieżą, przedsiębiorczością, kulturą i sztuką, tematyką tolerancji i migracji, umiejętnościami medialnymi, promocją inicjatyw młodzieżowych itp.
Receiving organization: Office for Initiative Promotion
Location: Minsk, Belaruse
Deadline: 19/06/2015
Duration: 10 months
Start: 01/09/2016
End: 30/06/2017
Placements: 1 ( we already have one chosen girl, so you will go in pair)
We have the following activities proposals:
1. Workshops and informational meetings about tolerance in general as well as cultural diversity, multiculturalism, migration processes, globalization etc; OIP office, schools, other NGO and institutions interested in such meetings (Minsk and regions, Belarus); Twice a month;Presentations, discussions, debates, round-tables, methods of art therapy, thematic games, reflection etc.;
2. Participation in trainings about tolerance delivered by Office for Initiatives Promotion.; Educational camp for children (Minsk region, Belarus); Trainings about tolerance for youth and youth workers (Minsk. Belarus) with potential cooperation of Minsk schools; Spring and summer (flexible dates) as well as during the whole year (flexible dates); Presentations, discussions, debates, round-tables, methods of art therapy, thematic games, reflection, simulations, team building, ice-breakers etc.;
3. Language courses of Polish/English; OIP office; 2-3 classes of 2 hours each week; Educational games, presentations, methods of formal education connected with informal methodes;
4. Debate-club in Polish (advanced level); OIP office, youth center; 1 class of 2 hours each week; Debates, games, reflection, simulations;
5. Language courses of Russian/Belarusian for EVSers; OIP office, library, youth center; 1 class of 1 hour and a half each week; Educational games, presentations, methods of formal education
6. Presentation about EVS experience or participation in a day of open doors (questions about EVS) or in pre-departure training for Belarusian EVSers; OIP office, other NGO and interested institutions ; 1 meeting of 2 hours each 4 month ; Presentations, discussions, debates, round-tables, methods of art therapy, thematic games, reflection etc.;
7. Study visits to regional cities with workshops about tolerance; Regional cities, Belarus; flexible terms during whole period of project; Presentations, discussions, debates, round-tables, methods of art therapy, thematic games, reflection etc;
8. Meeting in youth centers about Polish culture and traditions; Minsk (mostly), other cities, Belarus; Once a 2 month; Presentations, discussions, debates, round-tables, methods of art therapy, thematic games, reflection, simulations, team building, ice-breakers etc.;
9. “Cultural Saturdays” (cultural-related events); OIP office, youth center, culural houses in the region; Once a 2 weeks; Presentations, discussions, methods of art therapy, thematic games, reflection, simulations etc.;
10. Designing and holding training courses on intercultural dimension for young people of Minsk community;preparing and holding an international conference on intercultural dialogue;planning and implementing international and local culture events(intercultural evenings,art festivals and fairs).; OIP office, youth centers in region, schools; Once a month;
11. Individual project (preferably related to the topic of tolerance); OIP office, Mińsk but also surroundings areas if needed; 2 hours a week; flexible;
12. Meeting with mentor and coordinator; OIP office; Weekly ; Reflection;
13. Taking care of the practicalities and daily needs of the Office for initiatives promotion; OIP office; Each week; Flexible ;
What volunteer has provided:
– food allowance and pocket money (volunteers will be receving money for food in amount 100 EUR per month calculated in belarusian ruble and pocket money in amount of 55 EUR per month),
– an activity plan as well safe working conditions to the volunteers troughout the project activities and providing a personal supervision and work-related support and/or training to enable full integration into the project (volunteers will work form Monday to Friday, approximately 6 hours per day, form 10:00-17:00 with one hour for lunch, hours may vary form day to day based on the projects needs, and the volunteers can be asked to work additional days in weekend if needed, additional hours and
weekends days will be credited toward time off; volunteers will be given time off for all Belarusian holidays or any other days the RO office will be closed, also volunteers will recive 2 days per month of vacation/personal time),
– accomodation (volunteers will be accomodated in an apartament with other EVS volunteers, in flat with kitchen, washing machine, fridge).
– travel funding in amount of 275,00 EUR in both ways.
Recruitment process
We are open for every interested in this project person; gender doesn’t metter. We think and suggest that the volunteer who would be most satisfy about this project, would be a volunteer who would like to take a lot of activities (outdoor and indoor), to share their experiences with other (the paricipants will share their opinion during disscusions), would like to explore Minsk and Belaruse – we’re looking for volunteers who will be interested this country and will desire to enjoy it, would like to learn something about Belaruse,
Belarusian people, culture, history and language, would like to work with people – youths and all the other interested about them people and finally finds voluntarism very interesting experience, want to share it with another people, should be open, ready to work with a group, sharing his/her flat with another volunteer, should be flexible, spontanious and creative.
Volunteers should be also indepedent (HO will give them as much support as they will need but they have to be aware that this project is their time to be used in the best way). Generally, volunteers should be aware about main issues of this project, desire to learn more about it, to take challenges and new initiatives, which are connected with them.
From EVS candidates we would like to recieve CV and Motivation Letter till Thursday 19th of June 2016 to Like we mentioned before we already have one chosen volunteer so you will go in pair to your project.