196513_flaga_azerbejdzanStowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i organizacja Azerbaijan Students’ Union poszukują wolontariuszy na projekt EVS w mieście Baku, Azerbejdżan.
Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w j. angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia@bonafides.pl

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 12 czerwca 2016

Tym razem propozycja projektu ekologicznego w odległym Baku. Projekt został zaakceptowany do dofinansowania i powinien rozpocząć się 1 lipca 2016. Zadaniem wolontariusza będą ekologiczne działania edukacyjne na rzecz studenckiej organizacji pozarządowej. Do zadań wolontariusza należeć między innymi będą:

– Edukowanie społeczeństwa w temacie dziedzictwa leśnego, oszczędnego i ekologicznego życia, oraz tego jak cenić nasze środowisko i je chronić;
– Organizowanie działań promujących integrację, interakcję i wzajemnego zrozumienia, poprzez zaangażowanie w działania ze społecznością lokalną;
– Przygotowanie działań środowiskowych;
– Organizowanie różnych działań edukacyjnych;
– Przygotowywanie nowych projektów ekologicznych czy kampanii;
– Pozyskiwanie środków na te działania;
– Dyskusje i debaty na uniwersytetach o problemach ekologicznych;
– Ekologiczne wycieczki;

Organizacja przyjmująca : Azerbaijan Students’ Union
Miejsce: Baku, Azerbejdżan
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 12/06/2016
Czas trwania wolontariatu: projekt długoterminowy (10 miesięcy)
Start: 01 lipiec 2016 – 01 maj 2017 lub 01 sierpień 2016 – 01 czerwiec 2017
Ilość wolnych miejsc: 1 (druga wolontariuszka jest już wybrana, wyjazd w parze)

Mostly we involve volunteers to work on projects related to students. These projects can be implemented in universities, colleges, or various student communities. Of course, before 19talk-baku-slide-W3M5-superJumboorganizing voluntary project we do different activities to investigate the local situation and to help volunteers to integrate with local people, situation and place. These activities consist of fun and sport activities, and also various seminars, discussions, meetings. It is obvious that being developing country there can be some situations which make volunteers from different European countries become worried and have cultural shock. But solving the language barrier and gaining comprehensive theoretical and practical information regarding intercultural dialogue, it becomes very easy for them to live and work in Azerbaijan.

The headquarter of Azerbaijan Students Union is located in a Baku. Baku – is the capital and largest city of Azerbaijan, as well as the largest city on the Caspian Sea and of the Caucasus region. It is located on the southern shore of the Absheron Peninsula, which projects into the Caspian Sea. The city consists of two principal parts: the downtown and the old Inner City. Baku urban population at the beginning of 2009 was estimated at just over two million people. Officially, about 25 percent of all inhabitants of the country live in the metropolitan city area of Baku. Baku is divided into eleven administrative districts (raions) and 48 townships. Among these are the townships on islands in the Baku Bay and the town of Oil Rocks built on stilts in the Caspian Sea, 60 km (37 mi) away from Baku. The Inner City of Baku along with the Shirvanshah Palace and Maiden Tower were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000. According to the Lonely Planet ranking, Baku is also among the world top ten destinations for urban nightlife. The city is the scientific, cultural and industrial center of Azerbaijan. Many sizeable Azerbaijani institutions have their headquarters there, including SOCAR, one of the world top 100 companies and others. The Baku International Sea Trade Port, sheltered by the islands of the Baku Archipelago to the east and the Absheron Peninsula to the north, is capable of handling two million tons of general and dry bulk cargoes per year. Baku hosted the 57th Eurovision Song Contest in 2012 and will host the 2015 European Games.

Volunteers will prepare their own meals and buy daily products such as milk, water, eggs, fruit and vegetable in the city or at the large food market located in downtown Baku. The volunteers will also have the opportunity to visit the restaurants, tea-houses and the bakery in the centre of Baku. During lunch-time they will have free time in order to have lunch in cafeterias close to work place. Accommodation: 2 volunteers will live in an apartment to be rented by ASU. Mattresses and blankets will be provided for the volunteers, as well as basic furniture and kitchen utensils. Three rooms apartment: two bakubedrooms and one dinning room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet and small balcony. Equipment: Radio, TV, Telephone, Sofa, Bed, kitchen utensils, chairs and table. Local transport: volunteers home is not far from the work place. Volunteers can use the metro, bus and minibuses. Metro is quite a comfortable way for travelling within Baku. The underground network has about 20 stations and is easy to negotiate. Volunteers will receive the monthly money for public transportation and free metro cards. Language support: for long-term volunteers Azeri language classes will be organized by ASU, twice a week during the whole duration of the service. Other kind of support: each EVS volunteer will have a task supervisor and a mentor supporting him / her. Mentor of the volunteer in this project will be the local volunteer of Azerbaijan Students Union. Mentor will have important and quite active role in the project. Volunteer can always turn to the mentor in any problematic case. Mentor will assist the volunteer to solve any technical problems, help to get acquainted with the local culture, customs, rules and way of life. Mentor will help the volunteer to socialize and communicate with local community. Mentor will organize city-tours, take him/her to various parties/events. In addition, mentor will encourage and enhance his/her involvement in sports and cultural activities.


Responsibility_sub_Environmental_ProtectionIn the “Go Eco in the city of the fire and wind” project taking part two partners:ASU from Azerbaijan and SAO Bona Fides from
Poland.Is projected as 10 months EVS activity taking place in Baku,Azerbaijan for 2 Polish volunteers
Proposed activities:
1.Transfering information and knowledge about the environment to the youths and local inhabitants by:
•preparation of environmental actions;
•preparing new ecological projects,programmers,campaigns;
2.Discussions and debates at the universities according to the ecological problems.Topics will be related environment,ecology,
ecosystem.In the beginningt will be only technical support,after when they will get experience, adapt in student community and
have basic azeri language skills,they can make presentations also.
3.Facilitating different youth activities.Topics will be:air pollution,biodiversity,climate change,natural resources,natural resources,
land use, soiletc.Methods will be trainings,debates or group works.Organizing movie nights and using intellectual games like code
da vinci and brain ring games.
4.Organizing social activities in Baku like charity campaigns,parties,city tours,ecological photo tours;
5.Organizing Cross-cultural discussions:presentations about differences between our cultures,family life,understanding in different
6.Organizing workshops and presentations about EVS and ERasmus+ among students and local youngsters.
-making fundraising plan for Eco Club
-meeting and presenting the project to possible interested stakeholders
-creating and updating the database of possible funders,donors,sponsors
8.Publications and Websites:
-arranging all logistical aspects of the events
-preparation materials for publications.Searching information on internet about ecology, environment.Preparing presentations
about ecological problems,climate change,etc;
-creating materials for the fundraising campaign&website,announcements
-designing the promotional materials
-publishing information on the website
-preparation the promotional materials

The project main aims:
-raise awareness of the importance of the environment heritage at personal,social, economical and ecological level and learning to value it and to protect it.pobrane
-organize activities that promote inclusion,interaction and mutual understanding, through involvement with the local community of the volunteers;

Those aims will be achieved through a series of activities like:
-preparation of environmental actions;
-organizing various enlightenment activities;
-preparing new ecological projects,programmers,campaigns,fundraising for these actions;
-discussions and debates in universities according to the ecological problems;
-ecological photo tours;
-photo competitions;fares and etc.

Project objectives:
-to facilitate the self learning process of students regarding environment;
-to contribute to the self–development and efficient organization of leisure time of young people;
-to promote non-formal education methods;
-to contribute to the intercultural learning impact of the project;
The project has learning component for both:young people benefiting volunteers activity and EVS volunteer gaining unique chance
for self development.The project will have the following learning objectives:
Shikhov-Beach-Azerbaijan-8-Intercultural-involvement of the volunteer in the project will create a space for learning about other cultures and values.This
component also has a twofold character positively influencing young people and volunteer.Volunteer will give impulses to the
process of intercultural learning for the youth and help them learn more on how to be opened for this intercultural learning process and create an opened culture where everyone is respected on his own culture.
-Awareness raising–the project will help local young people to increase their knowledge about Europe, and the values such as
human rights, democracy, equality, gender, etc.At the same time it will help the EVS volunteers themselves to see how the youth
students of Baku approach the volunteering work and the idea of volunteering in other countries.
-Linguistic–the project will have a positive impact on the language abilities of young people, as well as volunteers. Special language
courses will be organized for the volunteer.Speaking in front of other people non in him/her native language will also help the
volunteer to express herself and speak fluently another language like Azeri.
-Increase capacity of the local NGOs on Erasmus+ Programme,the activities conducted by receiving organization and EVS volunteer
will promote Erasmus+ Programme in Azerbaijan.
-Organizational development and learning–the project will have a significant learning experience for host organization as well as
secondary schools involved in the framework of the project.

The profile of the volunteer should match the planned activities, but also s/he should be very interested to develop personal skills as a youth worker, to work with young people with different cultural background, to work with youngsters with less opportunities, and s/he should be motivated to be involved in activities offered by the organisation. The volunteers will be selected based on their maturity, motivation and suitability to work with youth/students. During the selection process the volunteers will receive detailed information about the project to be able to have a realistic picture about the project environment and the tasks. The Sending Organization will be taking an active part in selection process to ensure best possible matching. The volunteers need to show motivation in working with youth/students. The volunteers should be able to speak a basic level of English. Some knowledge of Russian or Turkish/Azeri is appreciated, but not obligatory. The volunteers are free to choose their field of work according to their interests. This decision process will be guide by well experienced youth workers that will assist the volunteers during the entire duration of the EVS. Before the arrival of the volunteers we will try to figure out which field of work is most interesting for them by talking with the volunteers about their motivation and personal objectives. But anyway at the beginning of their EVS they will see all fields of work in our association. After this orientation period we will decide together with the volunteers which project fits most to them