flaga portugalStowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i organizacja Associacao Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade (A.I.A.M) z Portugalii poszukują wolontariuszy na zaakceptowany projekt EVS w Barcelos.
Zgłoszenia (CV i formularz aplikacyjny w j. angielskim– Application Form_Bona Fides_A.I.A.M) prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia@bonafides.pl

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 31 lipca2016

Proponowane wolontariuszom aktywności w projekcie pt. “Let’s Move-Open-Volunteer-Educate” mają różne obszary tematyczne, takie jak dialog międzykulturowy czy praca ze społecznością lokalną. Wolontariusze organizować będą warsztaty dla młodzieży, dzieci i dorosłych, osób starszych i niepełnosprawnych.
Wolontariusze będą pracować z lokalną młodzieżą i liderami młodzieżowymi realizując różnego rodzaju działania i inicjatywy w społeczności lokalnej w dziedzinie kultury i sztuki, sportu, obsługa centrum informacyjnego dla młodzieży. Wolontariusze będą używać narzędzi, takich jak warsztaty, zajęcia rekreacyjne, plenerowe, inicjatywy. Będą używać metod twórczego działania takich jak: graffiti, komiks, rękodzieło, obraz, taniec ludowy itp

Receiving organization: Associacao Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade
Location: Barcelos, Portugal
Deadline: 31/07/2016
Duration: 10 months
Start: 02/09/2016
End:  02/07/2017
Placements: 1 ( we already have one chosen girl, so you will go in pair)

Proposed Activities:
The volunteers activities and task will be:
1.Immigrant families support
Volunteers will engaging in a process of adaptation families who are temporarily transferred from areas of conflict to the northern region of Portugal.Among the proposed activities is a work for inclusion of newcomers to the community Barcelos.The volunteers will:
-provide psychological,emotional and social support by the organization of multimedia presentations and workshops for immigrants directed to traditions,history,geography and culture of Europe and Portugal,which let break down socio-cultural barriers and facilitate assimilation into the local community.
-organizie activities stimulating both groups,aimed at mutual understanding and acceptance.Among them will be numerous kinds of activities for different age groups :for example games and activities for children,sports and competitio,while for adults presentations about culture and language lessons,handicraft workshops and regional cuisine,which will let to explore culinary traditions of both groups
The participants will be able to demonstrate their creativity,knowledge and openness to different ethnic groups and thus a different way of seeing the world.
2.Work with minorities
Working with a growing number of members of the Roma community in the local society. They will:
-conduct classes at the community center for children and young people aimed at reducing social exclusion and offers a variety of leisure activities for young people (different type of workshops like graffiti workshop;video recording;news writing;slam;handicraft;literature, theater and music classes,etc dedicated to youngsters)
-prepare seminary presentations, wrokshops, movie evenings for youths and adults f.ex.about anti-racism,tollerance,cultural differences etc. where presented will be culture and lifestyle of Romes to local inhabitants as well as the benefits of acclimatisation in local society showing to the Rome minority.
The volunteers will have an opportunity to demonstrate their empathy,tolerance and understanding and to develop skills of dialogue and cooperation in international and intercultural field.
3.Providing activities with aim to combat violence against women
The volunteers will participate in the activities for increasing attention to this serious social problem.They will searching for effective ways of preventing violence in the family,school,workplace and public space through a number of preventive activities.The
volunteers will conducting awareness lectures about the problem,the promotion of awareness by conducting workshops,  distributing leaflets,designing posters,meetings with young people, etc.
4.Drug addiction prolblem amon youngsters. The volunteers will:
-conduct meetings with experts,workshops and panel discussions to increase knowledge about the causes,effects,ways for help and treatment options for addicts and their families.
-conduct surveys of particular groups related to the theme of this problem.
-creation and execution of social survey aimed at defining the scale of the problem and the searching for innovative forms of aid
5.Cooperation with the Office of Tourism and the City Hall of Barcelos
-help in organizing local festivals and celebrations
-information and organization activities, such as the design and distribution of promotional materials and coordination of the preparatory work.
6.Seminary presentation Erasmus+ Programme opportunities,Europen Union etc that will be presented by the volunteers to the school community of the parish(Barcelos Secondary School,Alcaides de Faria Secondary School,Rocha Peixoto Secondary School)
7. Cultural evenings where volunteers will present their own contry and region of Poland where they are from with regional cousine,presentation,traditional items etc.To this kind of evenings they will invite local youths, kids and adults. they will have to also prepare strategy of promotion this kind of event(preparation of lefleats, information announced by social media like fb,information passed to the organizations which are cooperate with A.I.A.M etc.)


Planned activities of our project “Let’s MOVE” will be primarily regional dimension. Our goal is to focus on activity in the immediate environment that is in the region of the city of Barcelos in northern Portugal.The A.I.A.M. is based in the parish of Silva, one of the 98 parishes of the municipality of Barcelos and is only 3 km away from the city centre. Mobility Friends organization is working with various people dealing with social problems.Right now they are taking care of the  current problem of migration of the population currently threatened by armed conflict. “We,the Portuguese, we have a different history than the Visegrad Group countries and openness to accept immigrants from all over the world,including from countries that were not our colonies, is an important part of our national identity”-said Pires de Lima showing openess for migrants.But in the same time still grows fear in relation to the incoming population from outside the Portugal,mostly due to totally differente culture and religion.In the framework of cooperation between organizations,which aims to strengthen cooperation and achieve common important goal, volunteers will have the opportunity to engage in a process of adaptation families are temporarily transferred from areas of conflict.It will contribute to greater openness and reduce the potential of social exclusion,which is also a very important reason for our project. In order to integrate immmigrants with the locals people of Barcelos volunteers will organize activities stimulating both groups, aimed at mutual understanding and acceptance.Among them will be numerous kinds of activities designed for different age groups:joint games and activities for children as well as for adults.With each other’s kernels will broaden the international dimension of activities for young people and increase the capacity of individuals and organizations working with young people to encourage young people in addition to the EU’s external action.
Both the Portuguese as well as Poles have a tradition of migrating to Europe and the world,including for economic reasons.These movements,however,had a different character:the receiving country usually needed manpower and cultural and religious differences were not as drastic as in the case of today’s immigrants to push the boundaries of the EU thats why we have to start working hand in hand in order promote openness.In the same time we also would like to educate miggrants that they have to assimilate with the society which has take care of them when they were in need.

The project to combat violence against women,volunteers will participate in the activities of amplifying this serious social problem.Violence against women is a widely spread phenomenon that still persists in current societies and most of the time,it occurs within the family context.In Portugal,38% of women have experienced physical,psychological and/or sexual violence since the age of 18.National criminal statistics indicate that there were 33,707 crimes of domestic violence in 2012,where in 27,507 cases the victims were women.In 62% of the cases the perpetrator was a current partner and in 20% a former partner of the woman[ Country Report: Violence against women and migrant and minority women,2012].The volunteers will focuse around the search for effective ways of preventing violence in the family, school, workplace and public space through a number of preventive measures like helping the organization staff in the center,providing a range of support including crisis counseling,information and advices after the training which they will receive from RO.

What volunteer has provided:
– The ACCOMODATION will be provided by Receiving Organization Associacao Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade. Their new prepared for volunteers accommodation is situated close to the Barcelos City Center (4 minutes by car),Braga City Center (15 minutes by car),Atlantic Ocean (15 minutes by car) and Porto Airport (30 minutes by car).Mobility Friends Campus has 10.000 m2 with ready six houses.They can offer rooms with bathrooms and living room/kitechenett.The Campus has also training rooms,gym,swimming pool,administrative area,industrial kitchen,refectory,recreational areas,extreme activities like slide and climbing and nature that are waiting for you.
– The activities will be carried out from Monday to Friday, from 10 AM for 7 hours.The number of working hours per week is 35. The volunteer will have free Saturdays and Sundays and and 2 days off per month.Most of the activities will be realized in the Barcelos.
– Volunteers will recieve the pocket money and food allowance at the begining of each month.
– travel funding in amount of 360,00 EUR in both ways.

Recruitment process
The activities are open for all profiles of volunteers. The volunteers will be identified as they are eager and motivated to do their EVS in Barcelos, Portugal.
Associacao Amigos da Intercultural Mobilidade hopes to welcome volunteers with the following characteristics:
• Humanitarian and volunteer spirit;
• Great team-work skills;
• Open mind and respect for other cultures;
• Good communication skills;
• Spirit of adaptation and flexibility
• Respect for the Health and Safety norms.
• Dynamism and creativity
The chosen volunteer must follow the same principles:
• Solidarity: responsibility in accomplishing the ends of voluntary service;
• Participation: intervention in areas of great social interest;
• Cooperation: supporting the creation and implementation of the host organization’s projects;
• Responsibility: in the carrying out of the activities that volunteers commit to doing, given the expectations created in the people they are volunteering for.

The selection process will be carried out on three fundamental criteria: a good motivation letter not only justifying the interest on the project but in the values that the Erasmus + Programme contributes, a curriculum vitae(the best of Europass) in English with a photograph and finally sending adapted documentation to the organization and the project.
To ensure that the project meets the background and needs of the volunteers, we will ask them also to fill in a questionnaire (to download from attachment) about themselves as well as the activities and kinds of projects they are interested in. After the pre-selection, the receiving organisation contacts the volunteers through e-mail or skype to inform them about the activities, the special characteristics of Barcelos and Portugal, answer the questions of the volunteers, listen to their ideas and proposals. After this, the final selection is made and the results are announced to the interested parties.

Please send all of documents(CV and application form) to natalia@bonafides.pl till 31st of July 2016.

Application Form_Bona Fides_A.I.A.M