ukrainaStowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i ukraińska organizacja Center for European Initiatives (CEI) poszukują wolontariuszy  projekt EVS w Sumy. Zgłoszenia (CV oraz list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres

W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisać: EVS in CEI. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 9 kwietnia 2017

Organizacja koordynująca: SAO Bona Fides
Organizacja przyjmująca: Center for European Initiatives (CEI)
Miejsce: Sumy, Ukraina
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 9 kwietnia 2017
Rozpoczęcie wolontariatu: 02/10/2017
Zakończenie wolontariatu: 01/10/2018
Dostępne wolne miejsca: 1 wolontariusz

Mamy dla Was propozycję wyjazdu na świetny projekt EVS na Ukrainie. Będzie to ponowienie działań Sebastiana, który swoją przygodę z CEI zakończy w czerwcu. Jego relacje mieliście okazję czytać na naszej stronie:
Relacja 1
Relacja 2
rojekt przewiduje współpracę z lokalnymi szkołami, zorganizowanie dwutygodniowego obozu językowego dla dzieci (7-17 lat) gdzie rolą wolontariusza będzie organizowanie gier i zabaw, podczas których należy korzystać z języka angielskiego, nauczanie j. polskiego i angielskiego lokalnych mieszkańców Sumy i okolic, prowadzenie Euroclubów(kluby dyskusyjne dotyczący tematów związanych z Unią Europejską) czy English Speaking Club’ów na uniwersytetach. Szczegóły poniżej.

Center for European Initiatives is public non-profit organization, created on the principles of voluntarily participation, human rights, freedom of speech, common interests, self-government and equality of rights for its members, as well as for the protection of our legal interests, rights, and freedoms.

Goal: to assist in the reformation of Ukraine in accordance with European standards, to introduce democratic values, and to develop civil society in Ukraine using educational and informational methodologies.

– Develop educational programs directed toward the questions of European and Euro Atlantic integration for Ukraine;
– Develop informational campaigns directed toward the questions of European and Euro Atlantic integration for Ukraine;
– Provide the public with free access to informational resources relating to European and Euro Atlantic integration processes taking place in Ukraine and the world;
– Develop a program of local youth Euro clubs and an all Ukrainian network of youth Euro clubs.
– Develop and carry out exchange programs for children and youth of Ukraine.

Project activities will take place in the city of Sumy on the period of 12 months (02/10/2017-01/10/2017), planned to participation of one volunteer.

X 2017
-Adaptation,introduction work place,brainstorming of volunteers’ own ideas.The volunteer will get to know the RO,staff,mentor,other volunteers through a series of non-formal and formal events and meetings which will include acquaintance,team-building activities,two cultural evenings in order to understand better Ukrainian and Polish culture,traditions,national peculiarities,living and working conditions,presentation of existing projects of the RO.
-attendance in training courses on non-formal education organized by CEI staff,invited experts and participants of the international training courses about the conflict resolution,intercultural learning,project design management and methods of non-formal education such as group dynamics,facilitation,educational games in order to use them in the youth work.

VI 2017
-Preparation  camp “Europlenner”,organized for the most active members of euroclubs.the task is to find and conduct name games,ice-breakers,team building activities,prepare the possible tasks and questions for the quiz about EU countries,sport competitions,intellectual and entertainment activities for the evening program.

VII 2017
Organizing and leading the Language Schoolyard Summer Camps.The task is to prepare and conduct a course 12 Polish classes 45–min. each for 2 age groups(10-12 and 15-16 years).The result will be a brochure with teaching resources and the presentation in the form of children’s concert in Polish.

XI,XII 2017&III, VI 2018
Preparation for and participation in the Seasonal Language Camp SMART for Young Leaders(preparation and leading).His task is to prepare and conduct a 4-6 Polish courses 45-min. each and 3 handmade workshops“Reusing Old–Creating New”in mixed age groups.The result will be a handmade exhibition and a short video about similar words in Ukrainian and Polish “Language Bricks”

VII-X 2018:
Russian/Ukrainian Language courses-volunteer will attend the classes for duration of 5 months

XII 2017 – III 2018:
-Implementing free of charge Polish Language Classes which are free for locals.The task is to prepare a system of classes and conduct them for 3 groups 25 people in each:for children,for beginners,for school-leavers who intend to enter the Polish educational establishments(1h every week per group during 9 months)
-Organization of the exhibition“Eco–Sumy through My Eyes”in Eco Teen-Fest in the frames of Day of Sumy celebration.Volunteer’s task is to organize the initiative group of 15-20 young people(12-18 years)who will explore the city territory and take the photos of examples of reusing plastic,rubber,paper,cloth etc. in order to promote eco-friendly attitude to surrounding and possible ways of reusing things.

X 2017 –VI 2018, IX 2018:
Preparation and leading of school and university euroclubs(4 per week,1h each).Euroclubs are meetings of initiative youth who discuss topics connected with European values,such as human rights,democracy,tolerance and respect as well as EU countries,their cultural,historical background,EU institutions,youth participation&roles on local and international levels.Volunteer will choose proper methods and tools according to age group,its motivation and interests,conducted meetings using forms and methods of non-formal education e.g. discussion,debates,Human Library,Information Games.

III 2018
Organizing the Cultural Cuisine,culinary workshop and presentation of national Polish dish for locals

IV 2018
Organizing Human Library“More Mosaics”in the frames of Week of Tolerance. His task is to prepare and present a story about the cases of discrimination/intolerance from personal experience,discuss reasons and possible ways of solution.

XII – I 2018
Annual Charity Christmas Fair.The task is to present Polish Christmas traditions and conduct a workshop about painting of cakes for soldiers in Anti-Terroristic Area(3 groups of 30 participants per group)

V 2018
Preparation and participation in 3 Days of Random Acts of Kindness.His task is develop a 3-day program of events for locals in order to show the importance of support and kindness,such as free tea/coffee distribution,challenge“5 Kind Actions”,food banks for animal shelters,etc.Promote the program,involve the members of euroclubs,parents,locals.

III-V 2018
Interviews with locals and volunteers on topic of volunteering and inclusion,Erasmus+ in order to promote mobility and cooperation between EU countries and Ukraine,enhance the role of youth workers and youth organizations,inspire youth to become active citizens.Creation of promoting video.