Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides i grecka organizacja Hellenic Youth Participation poszukują wolontariusza do projektu EVS w Atenach, w Grecji.
Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy kierować na adresy, i
W temacie maila proszę dopisać “EVS in Athens”.
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 23/12/2018
Receiving organization: Hellenic Youth Participation
Location: Athens, Greece
Deadline: 23/12/2018
Mobility period: February-July 2019
– organize workshops, non-formal activities with the local youngsters
-organize outdoor activities for inclusion (work with Roma kids & migrants) such as field games, activities in the parks of Athens,
– support the activities of the local partner organisations,
– Support the office,
-Erasmus+ projects,
-Local events about the environment, human rights, inclusion, stereotypes, hate speech etc,
-Promotion of European opportunities and volunteerism,
– create online materials and support the social media of the organisation (website, youtube, radio etc)
-teach your own language through non-formal activities such as language cafe, intercultural nights, movie nights etc
Main objectives:
– empower two young volunteers to become young activists in local level
-create series of activities in open spaces
-organize non-formal activities in poor areas where unprivileged kids and young adults live
– create online and offline campaigns for the promotion of erasmus+
– support the existed activities of the organization such as the web radio, social media, blogs, website
– create voluntary activities for local youngsters such as cleanliness of parks and beaches
-organize workshops about environment, awareness, inclusion, outdoor activities
More info: