Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides i austriacka organizacja LOGO poszukują wolontariusza do projektu EVS w Children’s Village / Steirische Kinderdörfer w Graz, w Austrii.
Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy kierować na adresy, i
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Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 15/01/2019
Receiving organization: Children’s Village / Steirische Kinderdörfer
Location: Thal, Graz, Austria
Deadline: 15/01/2019
Mobility period: 01.02.2019 to 31.12.2019
The Children’s Village is a youth welfare institution who cares for children and youngsters as a legal guardian. The target group of the Children’s Village are children and young people in a state of social need, who cannot live in their original family and are therefore sheltered in the Children’ s Village by the youth welfare. Due to the children’s socialization conditions which are unfavourable to the development of the personality they are disadvantaged in many fields, such as personal development, integration in the school, ability to take part in group activities etc.
Around 40 children from 7-18 years coming from different provinces live in the Children’s Village. The staff consists of professional workers such as for example e.g. psychologists, teachers, social workers, youth workers, etc.
The volunteer will live in a shared apartment with single bedrooms, but shared cooking, washing, laundry, bathroom and social facilities. The volunteer will receive 230,00 € for food/month. Additionally, the volunteer has the possibility to have lunch AND dinner for free at the host organization on all his/her working days.
The host organisation will provide a monthly ticket for public transport. The volunteer will take the bus to go to work.
The volunteer will be provided with one German Course, at least.
The basic requirement is the will of caring out activities with and for youngsters with a difficult family background. Volunteers should have an easy approach to children and young people and proof that they have neither fears nor prejudices in taking care of socially disadvantaged people. Due to the particular situation of the Children’s Village, where in general the young people are cared for having economic, social and cultural problems, we are looking for a mature, responsible and tolerant volunteers. Volunteers who like to organise sportive and creative activities are highly welcome.