05a2158f1073a9ac1adce4c678943d0517139da7Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides i hiszpańska organizacja Service Civil International poszukują wolontariusza do projektu EVS w Madrycie, w Hiszpanii.

Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy kierować na adresy mariachiara@bonafides.pl, k.zychowicz@bonafides.pl i oficina@ongsci.org W temacie maila proszę dopisać “EVS in SCI, Madrid”.

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 12/12/2018

Receiving organization: Service Civil International

Location: Madrid, SPAIN

Deadline: 16/12/2018

Duration: 10 months

Mobility period:  01/02/2019 to 31/12/2019


Service Civil International (SCI) is the Spanish branch of the International Civil Service that since 1920 promotes workcamps connecting volunteers around the world with local organizations. The main objective of the EVS volunteers is to involve with the active member of SCI in the promotion of volunteering viewed as a factor of change and social improvement among the Spanish youth: -Provision of information and orientation to young people that are willing to participate in our exchange program (short term and long term volunteering) or any other international programs like EVS: -Participate in the process of sending and receiving volunteers to international workcamps and local volunteering. -Participate in training for volunteers. -Collaborate with the communication team: social media, newsletters, web, calendar. The volunteer will collaborate in SCI office 6 hours 5 days a week. There will be 2 consecutive free days/week and 2 days of holiday for each month.


Volunteers will decide her/his own place to live. The EVS-volunteers will receive money for food and accommodation together with the pocket money at the beginning of every month. They will manage the money on their own, and from these finances, they will also buy their food.


We are searching for a positive and open-minded volunteer with an interest in multiculturalism, volunteering and willing to work every day in an office. If you want to spend 10 months helping volunteers to find their perfect workcamp this is your project! Our office is placed in downtown so you definitely will love it. We have large experience in volunteering or local initiatives working on environmental, social and/or cultural projects. High level of Spanish is required to be able to communicate with local volunteers.