Bona Fides Association and Youth Dynamics are looking for motivated volunteers from Poland to join a long-term ESC project in Nicosia, Cyprus in the areas of:
– Citizenship and democratic participation
– Environment and natural protection
– Creativity and culture

Mobility: 17.11.2023 to 16.11.2024
Mobility: 12 months
Place: Nicosia, Cyprus
Activity description
The main objective of the ESC project is to provide participants with the opportunity to develop youth competencies, knowledge and practical skills in order to offer to disadvantaged youth or young people with fewer opportunities.
The volunteers will be responsible for creating activities aimed at the integration and promotion of European values. This opportunity combines principles of solidarity and volunteering as important instruments for the development of our local community. By promoting the value of volunteering and solidarity as a means of engaging young people, we expect to increase the sense of European citizenship and active participation of young people in social activities.
During the ESC project, the volunteers will experience and develop a sense of solidarity with disadvantaged groups that will serve as models of intercultural behaviour and help increase the cultural awareness of their peers. The project is in line with the European Year of Skills 2023
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements
Accommodation: Volunteers will be accommodated in a fully furnished flat, situated close to the city center of Nicosia.
Food and Pocket money: Volunteers will receive a monthly budget for food and pocket money.
Travel support: Flight tickets will be reimbursed according to the Erasmus+ travel distance calculator.
Training during the activity
Two seminars organized by NA. Language course. In addition, we will realize several project days. Youth Dynamics ensuring the participation of the volunteers in the on-arrival training and mid-term evaluation that will be organized by Cyprus National agency. Other training: Linguistic support, Pre-departure training, Annual European Solidarity Corps events. Non formal training on soft skills, conflict management, team building.
Participant profile
The selected participants must:
– have relevant experience in Erasmus+, youth work and volunteering,
– have basic knowledge of website design,
– have basic knowledge of English,
– be open-minded and communicative,
– have ability to work in different groups,
– be creative,
– be eager to accumulate knowledge and develop new skills and competencies that they will then share with others,
– be willing to participate proactively in all planned activities,
– be aged 18-30 years old,
– be able to work in a team,
– have high motivation,
– be able to lead youth activities,
– be ready to learn and share skills.
To apply, please send your CV to and anna@bonafides and complete the application form: