Bona Fides Association and Solidarites Jeunesses have places for Polish participants in a workcamp in France this summer!

Dates: 21 June 2024 – 05 July 2024
Duration: 17 days
Place: The Abbey of Clausonne,
(5km from the village of Le Saix, 15km away from the Veynes)


Take part in the valorization of a historic site at the heart of idyllic mountain landscapes! Join us and come discover l’Abbaye de Clausonne and its natural environment at 1140 meters of altitude! It is in the 12th century that the Abbaye took shape. After multiple periods of deconstruction and reconstruction over the centuries, it became in the 20th an agricultural building, which was abandoned in the 1950s. It is in 1994 that the Abbaye of Clausonne association was created to conserve the vestiges of this exceptional architecture on an exceptional site. Since then, the association has wanted to make this place a ground of discovery, learning and knowledge.


This year, we’ll be continuing work on the stonework in the old sheepfold, so that in a few years’ time it can be used as a cooking area, a tool shed, etc. You’ll also be working on the enhancement of the site and the old hamlet of la Péguière. All with the help of masons who will be on hand to pass on their skills! Mind you, it’s a real workout for the arms and legs! The work involves 30 hours a week.


You will be accommodated in individual tents on the Faï farm site. Dry toilets, a kitchen and showers will be available. A barnum will be set up and will be your common space under cover. There is no Wi-Fi, but you will meet people from all over the world! This center is a 30 minutes’ walk from the Abbey. You will cook by turn, so that we can taste several specialties! Here, we are careful about what we eat and aim to reduce our impact on the planet, choosing local products and limit eating meat to twice a week.

The daily life is organized together: menus (vegetarian, vegan and other specific diets possible), shopping, activities, etc. Bring a mattress, a warm sleeping bag (the nights can be cold) and a pillow. To be adapted to your needs.


Evenings and weekends are free for activities that you choose to organise together. You will be in an exceptional setting to discover the pleasures of mountain hiking, its rivers, its lakes, the farmers and producers markets, the festive nights organized in surrounding villages. In group, you will decide activities and discovery outings that you wish to set up. The reception center usually organizes one musical evening per week with homemade wood-fired pizzas.


If you are interested in other workcamps in France – Please click to check the website and find more available projects!

Some of those workcamps only have one spot left so it might be taken by the moment you apply. Candidates are allowed to propose several workcamps in their application form in case one is full.


To apply send your CV and motivation letter (in English) to and or contact us for further information! Write ESC WORKCAMP in France in the title of your e-mail.