flaga-e1419606043990Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i organizacja Casa per la Pace Milano z Włoch poszukują wolontariuszy na projekt EVS w Mediolanie.
Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w j. angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia@bonafides.pl oraz evs@casaperlapacemilano.it (dokumenty należy przesłać na oba adresy mailowe).

W temacie wiadomości należy wpisać: PROJECT LETS BE NON VIOLENT 4

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 20 grudnia 2015

Do wiadomości w treści maila prosimy dodawać poniższą informację:
Sending association:
Bona Fides Association (Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides)
Acronym: SAO Bona Fides
ul. Warszawska 19
40-009 Katowice
PIC: 947802812
EI referance number: 2013-PL-100
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska

Organizacja przyjmująca: Casa per la Pace Milano
Miejsce: Mediolan, Włochy
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 20/12/2015
Czas trwania wolontariatu: 01 Września 2016 – 31 lipca 2017 (11 months)

Casa per la Pace Milano (House for Peace) is an association of associations, and was born in 2000, from the encounter of several already existing local organizations, with decades of experience in the field of promotion of peace, and non-violent solution of conflicts.
The association promotes Peace as “culture of non-violence”, which conceive conflicts as a natural element of social relationships and searches for creative ways to manage them and make them a resource for a changing, as well as to prevent their degeneration.
Casa per la Pace believes that Peace is an issue that regards not only big systems, laws, institutions, but also everyday life, interpersonal relationships, the management of everyday conflicts, the valorization of differences (cultural, ideological, religious, ethnical, sexual) considered also as an instrument of political fight. The Casa per la Pace association sets itself as a place which is open to everybody and which may be a stable and visible point of reference about themes of non-violence, anti-militarism and inter-culturalism in Milan.

– Administrative work in the office of Casa per la Pace
– Manage, update and promote Casa per la Pace’s library: categorise and catalogue books and documents
– Update and contribute to our website: http://www.casaperlapacemilano.it/en/ and our Facebook fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/CasaperlaPaceMilano?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
– Update, write, send and invite people to receive the monthly our Newsletter
_ Write our website’s SVE blog about the experiences of EVS volunteers
– Create and distribute posters and flyers promoting the events of Casa per la Pace
– Photograph our events
– Edit and translate documents and our website from Italian to English
– Help with babysitting at the Italian course for foreigners women held at Casa per la Pace
– Promote the European Volunteer Service through talks and presentations in high schools
– Promote the our activities at the alternative trade fair, ‘Fa’ la cosa giusta’ (Do the right thing)
– Promote, organise, set-up and present the interactive exhibition, ‘Gli altri siamo now’ (We are the others)
-Take part in courses on intercultural exchanges, stereotypes, discrimination and non-violence in schools
– Take part in workshops on recycling and sustainability
– Take part in workshops for the Theatre of the Oppressed
– Help organise and take part in international money-raising dinners
– Organise and take part in events connected with Casa per la Pace’s mission in collaboration with other local organisations
– Student’s thesis exposition of social subject (“Fuori di Tesi”)
– Hosting visitors to the Silence Tent (Tenda del Silenzio)
– In Casa per la Pace’s neighbourhood: animation activities at the social housing for make cohesion and empowerment
– Other activities depending on the volunteer willing.
For example: it has been done some event in English, like a clothes’ exchange, a Milano walking tour, music concerts, country presentations, handcraft workshops, giving courses, etc.

– Computer skills (programs, Word, Excel, social media)
– Design (web design, graphic design)
– Art (paint, calligraphy, handcraft)
– Music (sing, memory of lyrics, play instrument, play in front of people)
– Manage group of people, kids and adult (activities-games)
– Babysitting
– Be interested on nonviolence, ecology and multiculturalism
– Italian language

Application process:
After reading our website, please send CV and Motivation Letter to Mariano
evs@casaperlapacemilano.it and natalia@bonafides.pl till 20th of December 2015.