Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i organizacja włoska Associazione InCo poszukują wolontariuszy na projekty EVS w różnych organizacjach przyjmujących w miastach takich jak Trento, Bolzano, Bisceglie czy Molfetta. O każdym projekcie można przeczytać w odpowiednim infopacku dołączonym do ogłoszenia.
Zgłoszenia (CV ze zdjęciem oraz odpowiedni formularz aplikacyjny) prosimy przesyłać na adres
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 17 marca 2016
Dane organizacji wysyłającej:
Sending association:
Bona Fides Association (Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides)
Acronym: SAO Bona Fides
ul. Warszawska 19
40-009 Katowice
PIC: 947802812
EI referance number: 2013-PL-100
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska
InCo has started to look for the future volunteers for 3 partner organizations with the deadline of 17th of March (project will be submitted on the 26th of April). Available placements are listed below with some details about the activities:
Please, read on for more information!
1) Fondazione San Vigilio, Ossana (Trentino): 2 vacancies from October 2016 to September 2017. Please bear in mind that the Ossana is at about 3 hours by public transport from Trento. So the project is a great opportunity if you enjoy nature and montains!!
infopack_fondazione.pdf 89,20 kB
2) Scuola media Battisti-Ferraris di Bisceglie: 2 vacancies from September 2016 to June 2017.
infopack_battisti-ferraris.pdf 373,53 kB
3) Scuola superiore ITET di Molfetta: 2 vacancies from September 2016 to June 2017.
infopack_itet-g-salvemini.pdf 254,69 kB
4) Civica from January 2017 a nursing home in Trento for 1 year 2 vacancies, 1 should be male.
infopack_civica (2).pdf 118,79 kB
5) ASSB from April 2017 a nursing home in Bolzano for 1 year 2 vacancies.
infopack_ASSB.pdf 2,72 MB
6) Caritas Bolzano from September 2016 for 1 year. 1 vacancy
infopack_CARITAS.pdf 2,73 MB
7) SOS Village of Ostuni from September 2016 for 1 year. 2 vacancies
infopack_vilaggio sos ostuni.pdf 513,90 kB
So here the application procedures: (read and follow them carefully!)
1) download the application form from below
Application form_April 2016_Youth.doc 970,50 kB (in case of the projects 1-3)
Application form_April 2016_social inclusion (1).doc (in case of the projects 4-7)
2) get deep information about EVS and its conditions; read as much as possible about the receiving organization you are interested in and the city where it is located, verifying if it really matches with your ideas/dreams of experience abroad;
3) contact your Sending Organization. We will not accept application done by volunteers directly, only through Sending Organization!;
4) Matching profile and opportunities is essential to guarantee a great service for you! In case of doubts, give us a call (+390461.1822471) – we will be happy to help.:-)
5) Ask your Sending Organization to send us an email with your application attaching the form together with the CV with picture. We will not accept application done by volunteers directly, only through Sending Organizations.
Email’s subject must be: “EVS application InCo through Sending Organization: NAME OF THE RECEIVING ORGANIZATION”.
Thus, for example: “EVS application InCo through Sending Organization: CIVICA”. Emails without the specific subject will not be included in the selection process.
The deadline to apply is the 17th of March 2016 at noon.
6) If you would like to apply to more than one vacancy, applications must be done separately – the documents and evaluation must be specific in different emails with proper subject.
Emails which do not follow the indications will not be processed as valid applications and will be directed again to this announcement. Successful applications will receive an email of confirmation.
Good Luck! ;-)