Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i Associação Académica da UMa poszukują wolontariuszy na zaakceptowany do realizacji projekt EVS w Portugalii, na Maderze. Zgłoszenia (CV oraz formularz aplikacyjny: Application-Form_Bona-Fides_AAUMa w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres oraz (Zgłoszenia należy jednocześnie przesłać do obu odbiorców)
W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisać: EVS A walk through the history of Madeira 2.0. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 16 sierpnia 2016
Mamy dla Was propozycję projektu kulturalnego. Stając się wolontariuszem EVS w organizacji Associação Académica da UMa otrzymujecie niezbędne przeszkolenie a następnie jesteście przewodnikami turystycznymi. Oprowadzacie zwiedzających po historycznym Kolegium Jezuickim czy pośród zabytkowych budynków Funchal w ramach “A walk through the history of Madeira 2.0” zaznajamiając ich z historią miasta jak i opowiadając ciekawostki o odwiedzanych miejscach. Ponadto wolontariusz będzie wsparciem w biurze AAUMa. Więcej szczegółów poniżej.
A tych, którzy nadal nie są zdecydowani czy przesłać swoją aplikację zapraszamy do zapoznania się z relacjami poprzednich wolontariuszy:
Tudo bem, obrigada! – Elwira na podboju Madery
Pod palmami 10 miesięcy jak 10 sekund
EVS na Maderze, czyli o jezuitach w tropikach
Coordinating and Sending Organization: Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides
Receiving Organization:Associação Académica da UMa
Vacancies: 2 placements
Activitiy dates of Volunteers: 01.09.2016 – 03.07.2017
Duration of Activity: 10 months
Project title: A walk through the history of Madeira 2.0
Place: Funchal, Madera Island, Portugal
Deadline: 16th of August 2016
Project Aims:
“A walk through the history of Madeira 2.0″project aims to intercultural learning of young people,facilitating joint activities of young people in different cultural environment. The project includes tasks to support young people in their training process through intercultural experiences with college students from other countries at the university,as well as collaboration with youth at risk of social exclusion through social activities developed by the AAUMa, which aims to help young people with learning disabilities in different training centers linked to university and the regional government of Madeira.Other activities involve support in daily guided tours to areas of the College, supporting the conservation of the building, interaction with foreign visitors,support and organization of musical events. It is a historical project with guided tours,assistance activities to the tourists and history investigation.In this perspective,volunteers will participate in the daily activities of the association such as supporting other youth involved in the training of university studies, what will expand their knowladge about europan heritage and gain abilities which they can use during searching a job f.ex as a trousist guides in future.There are several projects where European Volunteer will be inserted in order not only to ensure the proper management of the entire team AAUMa, as these provide opportunities to volunteer develop different professional skills.
The most prominent are the Jesuits’ College and the History Tellers. The first consists in making several types of guided tours to the ancient complex of the Jesuits’ College of St. John the Evangelist in Funchal, which houses the administration of the University of Madeira. In History Tellers guided tours will be conducted by the 16th Century district of Funchal, in which are narrated historical episodes that occurred in those streets, presented the different monuments explained the Madeira’s’ culture.
In both projects the European Volunteer receive basic training and exercise the function of guides. Aware of this task they should study, make research and analyze both scientific and historical documentation available by AAUMa and it associated universities research centers in order to increase the knowledge we have of each place visited and their past inhabitants.It is important to show young people the value of history and traditions, what is trivialized in our times. In the mass media youngsters are bombarded by the cult of innovations and “everything what is new, is good”. By this project, beside the touristic side we want to teach youth the respect to history
Thankfully to mentioned activities of the project “A walk through the history of Madeira 2.0″we want to,by changing attitude and approach young people to learn,increase the number of people with higher education.We think that contact with EVS volunteers show them also other ways to learn but also they will understand the importance of high education in our times. The project is very important because a lot of young people finish their education very early and do not gain competences which could help him in searching job in the future. This leades to high unemplyment level among youth in European Union.
Thankfully also to erasmus students, who learn at Jesuit Collegue,we want to promoting the learning mobility of all young people.Our project is going to support formal education and non-formal learning designed to promote innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship of young people, who will take part in it. Thanks to tourism-related activities in frame of project, we will promote knowledge of the culture and heritage in the different EU States
Using the domain of other languages, the European Volunteers are invited to collaborate in producing materials in multiple languages for the promotion and tourist information, didactic and pedagogical use for Madeiran schools, exhibitions, audio-guides, websites, etc.
Through volunteer’s personal skills or interests they still have the opportunity to assist in the organization of cultural events for children, young people with special educational needs and citizens with physical or mental disabilities or to the general public.
Like the AAUMa’a staff and others volunteers, European Volunteers will be responsible for elementary tasks of promoting our projects and their implementation, although occasionally. Examples of these tasks are distribution of flyers, collaboration on AAUMa’s television and radio programs or for which it is invited, collaboration in AAUMa publications (like et al. magazine, scientific touristic and children’s books), spaces organization and cleaning, customer service.
The all AAUMa projects are interrelated allowing its maintenance. Funds raised from donations received from guided tour to allow AAUMa pay for meals and school supplies given to the University’s needy students, with projects named Bolsa de Alimentação and Bolsa Escolar.
Proposed Activities:
In”A walk through the history of Madeira 2.0″project taking part two partners:Associação Académica da Universidade da Madeira from Portugal and Bona Fides Association from Poland.The project will engage 2 volunteers from Poland,whose voluntary service will last 10 months-preferable from 02.09.2016 till 02.07.2017in Funchal,in Madeira Island,Portugal.The Student Union of University of Madeira develops annually several projects.The EVS volunteers role is supporting this project for AAUMa considering the differente addresse groups:kids,youngsters,adults and elderly.The projects in which volunteers are encouraged to participate and support are:
-Blandy’s Wine Lodge:It is an important landmark of the city.Here,the guide will learn about the history of Madeira Wine,and its importance to Madeira and Portugal,and will be able to present to the visitors the history and importance of this worldwide known product.The role of volunteers is research,preparation and execution of guided tours,to visitors as well as to student,through educational component.
-History Tellers:walk with real stories.This activity tries to present the Funchal of the past and the present day city.In this unique experience,volunteers will teach local people and visitors about the history of Funchal,among real streets and buildings.Volunteers will follow and support all the historical research which are essential to support and develop the project.It will allow to take several stories out of the paper in the form of real stories and create a metaphysical tie between the Funchal of the past and the present
-City Hall of Funchal:This is an important building in the history of Funchal which has several interest points.Therefore, therole of volunteers is research,preparation and execution of guided tours,to visitors as well as students
-Jesuits College of Funchal:These activities involve support in daily guided tours to areas of the College,supporting the conservation of the building,interaction with foreign visitors,organization of musical events.In addition to the visits to the Jesuit College of Funchal tours to other city attractions are promoted.The Church of St. John the Evangelist and the building of the Town Hall are the places where volunteers will develop studies an analysis in the context of history and art history,aiming to promote actions in these monuments.
-Complementing the activities in the Jesuits’ College of Funchal,such as guided tours,the volunteers promote educational visits for all the schools in Madeira.These educational visits allow children to get to know Jesuits’ College of Funchal and learn about its history.Volunteers will accompanying and preparing the visits together with school teachers and helping to prepare their lectures. The educational visits are promoted to all schools in the region.The audience is made up of thousands of students in various courses of study,which can make educational visits in the project volunteers may participate in the organization and dynamics of these actions,as well as the articulation of this activity with other institutions in Madeira:museums,city hall,science centers etc.
-Also,in the future,volunteer will help to implement a new guided tour to the Municipal Theater and to the Regional Assembly of Madeira.
-UMajuda support disadvantaged children and young people.This activity aims to assist schools disadvantaged of basic education in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
-Volunteers will also take part in the social line of action in the University,collaborating in several tasks at the Residence and in the Social Services facilities.With these tasks,not only will volunteers receive professional experience,they will also be able to contribute to help the students of the University with economical difficulties.
-Cultural actions,which are varied in a space that is also multifaceted.Conferences,workshops,the soirees of music,exhibitions, gatherings and many other events are run in the project.Since ideation to completion and sale of the shares,volunteers will go through all the necessary steps to complete the action.Are activities performed weekly to ensure the revitalization project and the interaction with the audience,making the social aspect is a major focus.A multidisciplinary team will accompany the volunteers throughout the various stages,allowing for interaction with different subject areas:arts,literature,history,communication,culture and design.The study,analysis,discussion,preparation,assembly,execution and balance are key steps in each initiative.
The working methods used will be always non formal education. Volunteer will be directly involved in planned activities in its different stages (preparation, development, monitoring and implementation).
Volunteer’s profile
Taking into account the project objectives proposed by the Associação Académica da Universidade da Madeira, the following candidates’ profile has been established, even so it is counting with a big flexibility margin when valuing their characteristics.
They hoped to find volunteers in a spirit of adaptation and flexibility, and the willingness to live in an ultra-peripheral region available to learn a new language and to compare their knowledge, culture and customs. Enthusiasm and motivation was also necessary to participate in projects and undertake new ones.
Considering the finality of the project it is aimed to find in volunteers the interest and motivation needed to develop the activities and tasks proposed. Dynamism and creativity are also very important characteristics with the objective of proposing, planning and developing activities with diverse publics. Flexibility, positivism and predisposition of the volunteers to carry out any kind of tasks in an innovative way.
The projects carried out by the Students Union of the University of Madeira was opened to volunteers of both sexes who are between 17 and 30 years old.
The selection process have been carried out on three fundamental criteria: a good motivation letter not only justifying the interest on the project but in the values that the Erasmus + Programme contributes, a curriculum vitae in English with a photograph and finally sending adapted documentation to the organization and the project.
To ensure that the project meets the background and needs of the volunteers, we asked them also to fill in a questionnaire about themselves as well as the activities and kinds of projects they are interested in.
The project results:
Engaged in the project volunteers will be obligated to work out the project results which are:
– Publication of the book History of Funchal, in English and publish by the University Press, done with the contribution of the volunteer (photos, revision and consumers tests), directed to the foreigners residents in order to increase the History of our island and to promote a good environment between nationals and visitors.
– Participation in an episode of our television show to talk about the development of the project, disseminating our goals:
– Publication of updates of our activities and attractions in a new website:
– The release of a exhibition about the History and Culture of Madeira, available to the visitors of the Jesuits’ College.
– The development of cultural tours to disseminate the Food Grant project to our visitors, and others social projects that creates links between our community and the visitors:
– The development of campaigns for our cultural projects: brochures, flyers and leaflets.
– Writing articles in the University Magazine in order to promote the Erasmus + project and to motivate the participation of other volunteers: