Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES oraz fińska organizacji Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland poszukują osoby chętne na wyjazd na EVS do dwóch różnych organizacji przyjmujących w Suonenjoki oraz Vantaa. Zgłoszenia (CV i formularz aplikacyjny: EVS Volunteer Application_Maailmanvaihto_0 w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres mailowy oraz na (zgłoszenie należy wysłać na oba adresy mailowe równocześnie!). W tytule wiadomości należy zaznaczyć na który projekt się aplikuje wpisując odpowiednią nazwę organizacji przyjmującej.
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 4 września 2016r.
Do zgłoszeń prosimy dodawać poniższą informację:
Sending association:
Bona Fides Association (Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides)
Acronym: SAO Bona Fides
ul. Warszawska 19
40-009 Katowice
PIC: 947802812
EI referance number: 2013-PL-100
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska
My sending organization may be also coordinating organization and apply with project to Polish National Agency for the nearest deadline.
PROPOZYCJA 1: Vanhamäki Activity Centre
Receiving organisation: Vanhamäki säätiö
Coordinating Organization: Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland.
Location: Suonenjoki, Finland
Deadline: 04/09/2016
Start/End: From: 01/04/2017 To:31/12/2017
Placements available: 4
project description
Vanhamäki is an activity centre in Suonenjoki, which is a small rural town of some 7 500 inhabitants situated in the central Finland. Vanhamäki provides different activities for visitors and it also runs organic farm, horse stables and a foster home. The centre produces organic berries and vegetables and the products are also sold in the little shop.
Volunteering tasks vary according to the season: in the summer time the volunteers work more in Vanhamäki and in the autumn and spring there is more cooperation with other local organizations, such as local folk academy, association of unemployed people and a school.
At Vanhamäki the volunteers assist in different kinds of tasks outdoors and indoors. They take part in organic farming and maintenance work of the park area. They also assist in planning and carrying out events in Vanhamäki according to their skills and interests. The volunteers can also carry out tasks in the office and kitchen as well as at the stables.
Vanhamäki Foundation runs the Vanhamäki Activity Centre in the rural town of Suonenjoki. The centre offers a meeting point and various activities for different groups and also accommodation for guests. The Foundation’s main function is to help disadvantaged children and promote their families well-being.
Vanhamäki is visited annually by thousands of customers who are participating in camps, horseback riding school, visiting Vanhamäki´s shop with products of own organic production, arranging meetings and family celebrations, visiting as a tourist or joining concerts and and other events. Vanhamäki´s goal is to provide people well-being with help of various activities, in a beautiful environment and serve healthy organic food. We also offer voluntary places for young people, as well as a comfortable environment for retired people to do volunteer work in a safe community. We also provide training and employment opportunities for people with fewer opportunities . Vanhamäki has been hosting EVS volunteers for approximately 15 years. Volunteers bring to the community international experience, intercultural exchange and a variety of new ideas and practices. Including a volunteer to our workplace means a big value to us and our community wants to provide an inspiring place to learn about Finnish culture and lifestyle.
accommodation, food and transport arrangements
The volunteers are accommodated in the Vanhamäki centre in single rooms. They have shared kitchen and bathroom facilities. Vanhamäki is situated in the countryside surroundings, by a lake.
volunteer profile
It is important, that the volunteer enjoys both practical and social work tasks. It is good to have an interest in organic farming and nature.
how to apply
Fill in the application form which you can download from this website:
E-mail your filled-in form to and
Please note that we only accept applications which have been filled into the form mentioned above.
additional information
This EVS project is coordinated by the youth exchange organization Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland.
Metsähallitus – Parks & Wildlife Finland / Koli National Park and Koli Nature Centre Ukko
Receiving organisation: Metsähallitus
Coordinating Organization: Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland.
Location: Vantaa, Finland
Deadline: 04/09/2016
Start/End: From: 01/04/2017 To:31/10/2017
Placements available: 4
project description
The volunteer works at Koli National Park and Koli Nature Centre Ukko. Koli National Park is one of Finland’s 39 national parks, located in Eastern Finland in the municipality of Lieksa. Koli’s hills and lakes provide fine settings for enjoyable outings and activities at any time of year. The Nature Centre Ukko is the heart of the activities and the volunteer’s tasks in the national park. The centre offers hiking and tourist information services, guided tours, national park rental hut bookings, conference services, and there is also a small café.
The tasks vary from customer service tasks in the nature centre to conservation volunteering or construction work in the nature. You will, for instance, help at the cafeteria of nature centre and you might also be able to conduct a small development project and assist in updating social media channels of the national park. If you have good photography skills or other interests in media work, we are glad to welcome your expertise.
Protecting Finland´s natural treasures, Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland manages all the state-owned protected areas. Also northern wilderness reserves, national hiking areas and the state-owned public waters are managed by us. While doing this, we safeguard biological diversity and the survival of threatened species also in the future. Most of the protected and other special areas are suited also for recreation. We therefore provide our areas with facilities and services for hikers. We are also in charge of sustainable hunting and fishing in state-owned hunting grounds and fishing waters. These tasks carried out by Parks & Wildlife Finland are funded from the national government budgeting.
accommodation, food and transport arrangements
The volunteer will be offered food money and modest accommodation in a house within walking distance from the nature Centre Ukko. The participant must be able to adapt in modest living conditions away from the city.
volunteer profile
We are looking for an outdoor-oriented volunteer, who is interested in the Finnish nature and motivated to work also outside in different seasons. Moderate English skills are required and motivation to learn Finnish language. The work involves also physical labour in field conditions and the volunteer should be able to adopt to a variety of tasks. Our protected areas are located in remote places, where there is not good public transportation, so we are looking for an outdoor-oriented volunteer, who enjoys spending time in the nature.
how to apply
Fill in the application form which you can download from this website:
E-mail your filled-in form to and
Please note that we only accept applications which have been filled into the form mentioned above.
additional information
This EVS project is coordinated by the youth exchange organization Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland.
Three simple steps:
1. First, choose the project you wish to apply to. See the projects we coordinate from the list above.
2. After selecting the project, fill in Maailmanvaihto’s EVS application form (.doc) which you can download FROM HERE. If you wish to apply to more than one project, please fill in a separate form for each project. Write your answers on the green blank fields. There is no length limit for your answers.
3. Send your application form as an email attachment to: and
Write the project name & reference number to the subject field. Attach your application to the message and send. Photos are optional.
Please note these things:
- If you do not understand the content of the application form, please ask help from your sending organisation.
- Maailmanvaihto only accepts applications which have been filled into Maailmanvaihto’s application form.
- Prior to sending us an application, please read through the program information in order to get a picture on the EVS programme.
- EVS is targeted especially for those young adults who otherwise have less opportunties than their peers to participate in transnational projects. If you feel you have less opportunities than other young people to participate in transnational projects, please tell about this in your application. There is a separate question on it in the application form.