Pamiętnik Edyty - czerwiecZaledwie dwa tygodnie temu, na początku lipca, czterech wolontariuszy z Polski – Edyta, Justyna, Wioletta i Michał, zakończyło swój 9-miesięczny wolontariat w malowniczej Portugalii. Poznajcie ich historię!

Z pamiętnika Edyty:

Portugal, Abril de 2018 (kwiecień 2018)

Next great month in my organization and possibility to discover more things about Portugal. In April I had a chance to visit Coimbra – the magic place full of positive energy. We participated also in the Intercultural Day of Poland, Austria and Croatia where I could share my culture with the other volunteers and learn more about Austria and Croatia.

Portugal, Maio de 2018 (maj 2018)

Pamiętnik Edyty - majMay – the busy month when I had a chance to visit my Family and Friends in Poland, later discovered with them southern Portugal and finally, after coming back to my EVS reality, we were continuing our preparations to FunArraial – my personal project. Next month will be for sure full of emotions and new experiences!

Portugal, Junho de 2018 (czerwiec 2018)

After completing my project, Pamiętnik Edyty - czerwiecI would sincerely recommend EVS to others. It’s a great chance to develop yourself, acquire new experience and meet the fantastic, motivated people who share with you their ideas. The EVS project was an amazing, really productive time for me on both, personal and professional levels. I’m really grateful to all those who I worked with as a volunteer (the ARIA’s team as well as their clients and also ProAtlântico Team). They taught me a lot about local tradition, lifestyle and thanks to them I started to build my first sentences in Portuguese. For sure I will remember them for whole my life.

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