Steilküste bei Boaventura, Nordküste, Insel Madeira, Portugal

Madeira, Portugal

Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i Associação Académica da UMa poszukują wolontariuszy chętnych do udziału w projekcie EVS (Solidarity Corps) pt.: “A walk through the History of Madeira” w Portugalii, na Maderze. Zgłoszenia (CV w systemie Europass oraz specjalny formularz aplikacyjny: application-form-aauma w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adresy:,,

Localization: Portugal, Madeira Island
Start: October
End: After 210 days (7 months) + extra days if possible
Period: 7 months
Main topics: cultural heritage, tourism, history, intercultural education
Placements: 2
Deadline: 30/09/2018

Mamy dla Was propozycję projektu kulturalnego. Stając się wolontariuszem EVS w organizacji Associação Académica da UMa otrzymacie niezbędne przeszkolenie, a następnie wejdziecie w rolę przewodnika turystycznego po malowniczej wyspie Maderze. Zdobędziecie cenną wiedzę z zakresu dziedzictwa kulturowego i historycznego Portugalii, by następnie przekazać ją innym! Będziecie mieli okazję wykazać się swoją kreatywnością przy prowadzeniu warsztatów kulturowych i wielu innych działań mających na celu rozwój integracji międzynarodowej. Ponadto jako wolontariusze będziecie wsparciem w biurze AAUMa, otrzymacie również możliwość prowadzenia działań z dziećmi i studentami oraz szansę realizacji własnego projektu. Więcej szczegółów poniżej.

The project will engage 2 volunteers from Poland, from October 2018 to April 2019 whose voluntary service will last 7 months in Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal. As stated before, the University of Madeira Students’ Union annually develops several projects with several objectives, like:
– To promote interaction between people from different cultures and countries, not only from the local community but also foreign visitors, thus enhancing inclusion, international cooperation and the improvement of foreign languages;
– To encourage intergenerational interaction and non-formal methods of learning and passing on knowledge, in this case by accompanying and performing guided tours;
– To promote the cultural and historical legacy of Madeira, which will increase the participation of the youth generation and raise awareness for the valorization and protection of the material and immaterial heritage of the communities. We are keen on achieving these goals through activities which are focused on enabling the volunteers to learn about the cultural and historical heritage of Madeira.
The EVS volunteer’s role is supporting these initiatives for AAUMa while keeping in mind the different target groups: kids, youngsters, adults and elderly.

The main project in which the volunteer will be encouraged to participate and support is called Madeiran Heritage, which embraces several cultural projects that have an impact on society through three different lines of action:
– The volunteers: promoting initiatives that cherish the physical and immaterial heritage, as well as the instruction provided by the staff members enables the volunteers to be better qualified and to collaborate in the learning process of the next generation. This is also very beneficial for the volunteer in the sense that it allows him/her to develop his/her personal and professional skills, which will be crucial to overcoming the barriers that hinder their integration into society;
– The visitors: both regional and foreign (from several different countries), who have a unique opportunity to be introduced to the culture and traditions of Madeira, increasing their ability to preserve these components and making them an active part of the project;
– The beneficiaries: young students from the University of Madeira who come from families with low income which, through AAUMa’s social projects, benefit from all the work developed by the volunteers in the Madeiran Heritage project and, simultaneously, represent the impact of the project on young people with fewer opportunities, namely economical difficulties. The activities developed by the volunteer under this project will happen all throughout the project’s duration and will include learning, preparing and performing guided tours in AAUMa’s attractions, helping with the maintenance of these attractions, collaborating in the development of events such as exhibitions and musical events, helping to develop support material for the guided tours and promotion material for the attractions. In these tasks, the volunteers will be accompanied by several collaborators from AAUMa, History teachers and students, both current and former, from the University of Madeira.

For more information:

Other activities and projects that the volunteer will also collaborate include: Erasmus+ and EVS promotion:
– The volunteers will help to organize events to promote EVS and Erasmus+ within the youth community of Madeira. These will be mostly through non-formal methods, such as workshops and conferences. This collaboration gains a critical importance given the fact that Madeira is an ultra-peripheral region, which means that the residents of Madeira have to struggle with geographical difficulties and EVS and Erasmus+ are important tools for tackling this issue.
– The volunteer will be encouraged to learn and to help with the several tasks related to AAUMa’s shops (called Gaudeamus), whose revenues go directly to finance the social projects, which are mentioned below. In these tasks, the volunteer will always be accompanied by collaborators from AAUMa and will “learn by doing”.
Social Projects
– All the work developed by the volunteer in the attractions aims to promote and support the social projects developed by AAUMa in order to help the students of the University of Madeira. For more information: Educational methods are based on the principles of popular education and learning through experience and paired exchange. In addition, each volunteer has the possibility to propose and develop a personal project in agreement with the associative project of the association. This will allow him to develop a certain spirit of initiative and to work on his autonomy. In any case, the team remains available to support young people in their voluntary and learning paths.

AAUMa is looking for 2 volunteers from Poland, and, in order to ensure gender balance, the focus will be on choosing one volunteer from each gender, to take part in the Madeiran Heritage project, which aims to promote the History and Culture of Madeira through several tasks in various attractions.
The participant will be selected according to the following qualities and interests:
– He/she has an interest in working with different age groups and is open to different cultures
– He/she has the motivation to take part in new projects and to acquire new knowledge and learn foreign languages;
– He/she has good oral and written communication skills
– He/she has a creative mind and is able to initiate, develop and implement his/her own activity ideas.

Priority will be given to candidates that have economical or geographical difficulties because this project will be a great opportunity for them to get to know a different country and culture, as well as to learn a different language and learn new skills and competencies that will enable them to succeed in their professional future. Despite the focus of the tasks on history and culture, no academic background is needed to take part in this project, as it will enable further non-formal training and education to pass on the Culture and History of Madeira.
The projects carried out by the Union of Students of the University of Madeira are open to volunteers of both sexes between 17 and 30 years old.

All of the costs are covered by the organisations
: you’ll get the reimbursement for the travel cost, you’ll be accommodated in the university residence located in the centre of Funchal, you’ll receive pocket money and food allowance at the beginning of each month and you’ll have also the insurance. Furthermore, the organisations will help you in every administrative issue and will take care of you during your volunteering period.

Zgłoszenia (CV w systemie Europass oraz specjalny formularz aplikacyjny: application-form-aauma w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adresy:,, do 30.09.2018r.


Jeżeli jeszcze zastanawiacie się, czy wziąć udział w tym projekcie, zachęcamy do zapoznania się z relacjami naszych wolontariuszy, którzy przeżyli już podobny wolontariat w tej samej organizacji na Maderze:
Relacja Elwiry
Relacja Justyny i Bogusi
Relacja Kasi i Krzyśka
Relacja Damiana

Aplikuj na projekt już teraz, zanim wyprzedzą Cię inni!

UWAGA: Daty na grafice mogą ulec zmianie, stały jest jedynie łączny okres trwania projektu.