flaga-FrancjiStowarzyszenie BONA FIDES oraz francuska organizacji MISSION LOCALE DE LA CREUSE poszukują osoby chętne na wyjazd na EVS do Gueret. Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres mailowy natalia@bonafides.pl oraz na sve2017@missionlocale23.fr (zgłoszenie należy wysłać na oba adresy mailowe).

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 31 lipca 2016r.

Do zgłoszeń prosimy dodawać poniższą informację:
Sending association:
Bona Fides Association (Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides)
Acronym: SAO Bona Fides
ul. Warszawska 19
40-009 Katowice
PIC: 947802812
EI referance number: 2013-PL-100
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska
My sending organization may be also coordinating organization and apply with project to Polish National Agency for the nearest deadline.

Projekt EVS we Francji przewiduje współpracę młodych wolontariuszy EVS z lokalną młodzieżą w wieku 16-25 lat.

Contact person: Nathalie ANDRIVON
Coordinating and Receiving organisation: MISSION LOCALE DE LA CREUSE
Location: Gueret, France
Deadline: 31/07/2016
Start/End: From: 01/01/2017  To: 31/12/2017

project description
The Mission Locale aims to receive, inform, direct and accompany all the young people of Creuse whom are authorised to work on French territory, aged between 16 to 25 years old, in their professional and social integration. A large number of them have a strong feeling of geographical and human isolation.
Futhermore, unemployment, poverty, the weight of dependance to their family force them to be incapable of having positive perspectives.
However, these young users breath and feel the need to escape, to broaden their professional and personal horizons, get to know and to open up to new people, without judgement.
To receive a young volunteer at the Mission Locale permits an exchange with our users about cultural and convergence differences.
Indeed, most of the users have never left the region, the department even, including for the holidays.
Therefore, the reception of a young volunteer would permit them to really understand what could be a European experience.

accommodation, food and transport arrangements
The volunteer will live in a Foyer de Jeunes Travailleurs, a sort of young workers’ hotel near the Mission locale. The Mission locale de la Creuse provide for food as the rules of Erasmus plus.

training during the project
The volunteer will participate to the training sessions organizated by Erasmus + jeunesse.
Moreover, regular meetings with the tutor enable to do solve the difficulties.

volunteer profile
We would like to receive SVE’s with interests in youth politics, a desire to accompany the youths in insertion.
The volunteer(s) must possess a driver’s license.
We receive volunteers from all structures.
The volunteer had to be able to rigorous, be attentive to young people, go ahead, autonomous, be a creative force, be able to relate to people.

how to apply
People had to send me by mail a CV and a cover letter including what he or she could provide for the young people, how he or she imagines his or her life in a rural departement, interested in the alternative education ways’, empathic with difficulties of the young users.