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EVS in Katowice, Poland – Welcome to Sil

EVS in Katowice, Poland – Welcome to Silesia’s Expats: Integration Support and Opportunity Identification for foreigners

Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES, Associazione Culturale ArciStrauss from Italy, and the organization Asociación “Building Bridges” from Spain are looking for 4 young volunteers aged 17-30 from Spain and Italy to take part in the project “Welcome to Silesia’s Expats: Integration Support and Opportunity Identification for foreigners”. If interested, please fill the Application Form in English, and send […]

Volunteering matters – EVS experience in

Mam na imię Gosia I chciałabym się podzielić moimi pierwszymi dwoma miesiącami bycia wolontariuszką w Czechach. Zdecydowałam się na udział w Wolontariacie Europejskim, ponieważ, chciałam zdobyć doświadczenie zawodowe, pomagać innym oraz poznać nowych wyjątkowych ludzi. Wybrałam projekt w mieście Náchod w Czechach, ponieważ uwielbiam pracę z dziećmi oraz młodzieżą.

EVS in Burgos, SPAIN

EVS in Burgos, SPAIN

The Bona Fides Association and the Spanish organization „Imágenes y Palabras (cultural association)” are looking for the „Rural Cultural Life” project.  The Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to : In the title of the email, please write: „EVS in Burgos, SPAIN – application” Receiving organization: Imágenes y Palabras Location  : Burgos, Spain Deadline : 30th December […]

Halfway point: our EVS volunteers’ exper

Halfway point: our EVS volunteers’ experience in Katowice, Poland

Six months have passed like a blink of an eye since we arrived to Katowice, the capital of an industrial region of Poland, Silesia. A city that hides a lot of colors under their grey walls. Six months since we were completely strangers for each other and we didn’t expect the friendships and support that […]

EVS in Ejstrupholm, DENMARK (MIDTJYSK EF...


The Bona Fides Association and the Danish organization “Dansk ICYE” are looking for the  “Midtjysk Efterskole”  project. The Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to:, and  . In the title of the email, please write: “EVS in Ejstrupholm, DENMARK ( Midtjysk Efterskole) – application” Receiving organization:  Dansk ICYE Location   : […]

EVS in Aarhus, Denmark (HERTHA LEVEFÆLLE


The Bona Fides Association and the Dannish organization “Dansk ICYE”  are looking for the volunteer for “Hertha Levefællesskab” project.  The Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to: and  In the title of the email, please write: „EVS in Aarhus , DENMARK  – application”   Receiving organization: Dansk ICYE Location  :  Landsbyvænget, Aarhus Deadline : 25/01/2019 Duration : […]

Volunteering project in Portugal, Madeir...

Volunteering project in Portugal, Madeira Island

  Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i Associação Académica da UMa poszukują wolontariuszy chętnych do udziału w projekcie EVS (Solidarity Corps) pt.: “A walk through the History of Madeira” w Portugalii, na Maderze. Zgłoszenia (CV w systemie Europass oraz specjalny formularz aplikacyjny: application-form-aauma w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adresy:,, Localization: Portugal, Madeira Island Start: October End: After 210 days (7 months) […]

EVS w Wilnie, Litwa!

Bona Fides Association and the Lithuanian European Foundation of Human Rights are looking for polish volunteers to join their European Voluntary Service project in Vilnius, Lithuania.  In order to apply, please send your CV in the Europass form and a motivation letter to all these addresses:, and Please, write in the title ”EVS in Lithuania” Receiving organization:  Europos Zmogaus Teisiu Fondas (European Foundation of […]

EVS in Sigulda, LATVIA (Ligatne’s kinder

EVS in Sigulda, LATVIA (Ligatne’s kindergarten)

 The Bona Fides Association and the Latvian organization “Siguldas Alternativa izglītība ” are looking for the “EVS 4 sustainable life” (– Ligatne’s kindergarten) project. The Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to :, and In the title of the email, please write: “EVS in Sigulda, LATVIA (Ligatne’s kindergarten) – application”   […]

EVS in Sigulda, LATVIA (Wings of Hope)

EVS in Sigulda, LATVIA (Wings of Hope)

 The Bona Fides Association and the Latvian organization “Siguldas Alternativa izglītība ” are looking for the “EVS 4 sustainable life” (Wings of Hopea) project.  The Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to :, and In the title of the email, please write: “EVS in Sigulda, LATVIA (Wings of Hope) – […]