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EVS in Wörgl, Tirol, Austria

EVS in Wörgl, Tirol, Austria

Bona Fides Association and Solidarity Tracks are looking for volunteers (only for EU countries OR Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland) to join their European Voluntary Service project in Tirol, Austria. To apply please send your Curriculum Vitae and cover letter to the following emails:, and  Please, write in the title ”EVS in Wörgl_Tirol – application”   Location: Wörgl, Tirol, Austria Deadline: 19/08/2019 Duration: 12 months Mobility period: September 2019 […]

EVS in Lefkas, Greece

EVS in Lefkas, Greece

Bona Fides Association and Solidarity Tracks are looking for Polish volunteers to join their European Voluntary Service project in Lefkas, Greece. To apply please send your Curriculum Vitae and cover letter to the following emails:, and  Please, write in the title ”EVS in Lefkas – application” Location: Deadline: 03/07/2019 Duration: 6 months Mobility period: June 2019 – October 2019 (FLEXIBLE)

ESC (EVS) in Kasterlee, Belgium

ESC (EVS) in Kasterlee, Belgium

Bona Fides Association and de Hoge Rielen are looking for Polish volunteers to join their European Solidarity Corps project in Kasterlee in BELGIUM. To apply please send your Curriculum Vitae and cover letter to the following emails:, and  Please, write in the title ”ESC in de Hoge Rielen, Belgium” Location: Kasterlee, Belgium Deadline: 18/04/2019 Duration: 8 months Mobility period: 04/2019 – […]

Let’s empower youngsters – relacja Marci

Let’s empower youngsters – relacja Marcina

Cześć, Witajcie, lub też w wersji portugalskiej Ola! Bom Dia! Mam na imię Marcin i jestem w trakcie 8 miesięcznego wolontariatu w Barcelos, na północy Portugalii. Po roku pracy w dużej korporacji w Warszawie specjalizującej się w podróżach biznesowych postanowiłem zmienić środowisko i zrobić coś dobrego dla społeczeństwa dlatego też zdecydowałem się na udział w […]

ESC in Bulgaria – Volunteering 4 Change

ESC in Bulgaria – Volunteering 4 Change

Bona Fides Association and  “International initiatives for Cooperation” (IIC) are looking for polish volunteers to join their European Solidarity Corps project in Razlog in BULGARIA. To apply please send your Curriculum Vitae and cover letter to the following emails:, and Please, write in the title ”Volunteering 4 Change, Bulgaria” Location: Razlog – Bulgaria Deadline: 30/04/2019 Duration: 8 months Mobility period: April 2019 – November […]



The application forms, Curriculum Vitae and cover letter have to be sent to the following mails:, and Please, write in the title ”EVS in Denmark”.   Location: Rugstedvej – Denmark Deadline: 12/07/2019 Duration: 12 months Mobility period: From 05/08/2019 to          31/07/2020

ESC in DENMARK- Tranbjerg Plejehjem (Eld...

ESC in DENMARK- Tranbjerg Plejehjem (Elderly people)

The Bona Fides Association and the Dannish organization are looking for volunteers for ESC placements in two organisations in Aarhus. Interested candidates need to send an updated CV and a cover letter related to the project (both in English) to, and Please, title the e-mail „ESC in Aarhus-Elderly people ” Next volunteer period: 1 st […]

Strategic EVS in the Italian Red Cross

Strategic EVS in the Italian Red Cross

The Bona Fides Association and the Italian organization „Vicolocorto” are looking for volunteers for a strategic EVS in the Italian Red Cross in four different cities in the Marche region. Interested candidates need to send an updated CV and a cover letter related to the project (both in English) to, and Receiving organization: Vicolocorto […]

ESC in Montefeltro, Italy

ESC in Montefeltro, Italy

The Bona Fides Association and the Italian organization „Vicolocorto” are looking for volunteers for ESC placements in two organisations in Belforte all’Isauro and Piandimeleto. Interested candidates need to send an updated CV and a cover letter related to the project (both in English) to, and Please, title the e-mail “ESC in Moltefeltro” Receiving […]

ESC in Denmark

ESC in Denmark

The Bona Fides Association and the Danish organization „Dansk ICYE”  are looking for the volunteer for a European Solidarity Corps project in Hertha Living Community. In order to apply, the candidate needs to fill in a European Solidarity Corps form. In order to correctly fill in the form, the candidate should follow the instructions given on the website: […]